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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
12/28/2017 6:43:37 PM

Player Feedback: The Dawning

Hello all, Since the Dawning went live, we've been watching the conversation and recording your feedback. I'd like to give a short list of items that have been noted. This list is not prioritized in any fashion, but a quick representation of trending topics throughout the community: [quote][b]• Eververse • Mayhem • Vault Space • Endgame - Strikes, Raids, Item Collection • Crucible - Gametypes, Team sizes • Sandbox Balancing - Exotics weapons and armor • Three of Coins • Curse of Osiris: Weapons Forge Questing • [url=]Masterworks and Weapon/Armor Modifications[/url][/b] [/quote] That said, keep it coming. When we return to full force in 2018, details will be shared on the feedback that was collected and how we'll look to address it. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Every single comment in this thread is spot on. Bungie, you either need to have a major internal assessment of your goals and aims with destiny or have a discussion with Activision about the future of this game because youre losing the fans. The honest fans from the halo and marathon days, the new fans from destiny. Its a train wreck right now. The community is not stupid and just because its a teen game doesnt mean you can treat us like kids. That includes the voice acting and game dev along side pretending to throw in elusive microtransations mechanics. First ill touch on the story and voice acting. Its kiddish. So childish. Nolan north is a great voice actor, but his talents are so wasted. You make him say the most useless jokes and scare child lines. Why? Just why? Make him say useful things, interesting things that add to the story and get rid of that childish voice. For gods sake. Mature players i think most of us tolerate it. I think we'd like more maturity for sure in the game. For the kids, i think more maturity would be better. Give more interesting things for kids to think about, ponder and explore in the destiny world. Instead of just listening to ghost act like a stupid kid who had his body stolen for a dlc. Really? Microtransactions: Clearly the community has exposed your issues over the last few months and we all know these were planned. You cant lie to us and say that "its not working as we intended" or other excuses. And we are tired of hearing you listen to our feedback. This much feedback should not be needed. At some point, you need to be able to decide for yourselves what is a good decision for the game and a bad one. If you need mommy to hold your hand every step of the way, just quit now. Just stop making this game because people are leaving and its sad to see. Stop relying on us to tell you. This is what game testers get paid for, what you get paid for. We dont pay to play test and give feedback. Treat us with more respect than this. I don't exactly know the culture at bungie anymore, but your content quality is miles away from what the old team used to do. They worked long hours and spent days away from their family for their games and yet the quality was so much better. You should watch your old halo vidocs for some inspiration. There was a line from one i remember from one vidoc pretty well. About making a good shooter game. Making that good, fun game isnt about the mission or the story alone or just content, its about the feel. 5 seconds honestly determimes the fate of a game. If you can't nail the 5 seconds of a shooter encounter, its boring. That encounter has several aspects: why am i going to shoot something, what to i want, and does it feel good. From what i feel, destiny 1 actually did this better than D2. So youve gone backwards, not to mention removing 90% of features from D1. And now youre trying to sell it back to us in D2? I enjoy seeing these old exotics, but it upsets me too. Why am i playing this again? Ive been a guardian for 3 years and im still trying to get jade rabbit. And unfortunately thats all there is left in this game. Nothing else. Crucible is not fun, i feel more exhausted playing 5 matches of crucible than 20 matches of halo reach. Strikes are not rewarding. Story we can't even willing replay. Your new dlc was nothing. That new dlc strike is by far the most shameful strike dlc release, probably in the history of dlc. A literal reskin of a story mission, right down to the dialogue scripting when sagira is literally saying we did this before. How pathetic is that? What were the devs and production teams thinking? Did you guys really think we'd enjoy a reskinned mission, would you??? I cant even comprehend how that mission got thr green light. The only possibility is that it was so late that no one cared. Not a good look for you guys. The effort clearly is not there like the old bungie team or you need a discussion with activision about your deadlines because the team clearly cant meet the expectations for this game. On the topic of dlcs, i thought you said back in destiny 1 that eververse was being introduced to remove paid dlcs? Remember that? You went back on another word you said. Destiny 1 did it right. Cosmetic purposes, adding to dlc content or free live events. Destiny 2 i see both. A paid dlc with microtransations. So in the end, its clear money oriented. And the dawning live event should show you how pathetic your attempt is. Its no where near as fun as D1 dawning. I barely played anything this holidays, there was no incentive, no fun with friends. Just nothing to do. If i wanted everything new, i just had to pay. So i decided to pay for other games on holiday sales and play those. There was nothing in your dlc but a huge amount of tiny farming tasks. So I think the biggest questions you need to ask yourself is if the content you release is something you'd play for hours? Not once, not twice, but hours and hours. If not, figure out whats wrong and why. Is it the budget, is it the dev team is too slow? is it activision limitations? All of us know activision is pushing alot, especially when they foot the bill for many things, but they arent the developers in the end. All the PR they do, wont mean anything if youre hamstringed and cant make a good game. Dont work like a regular 9-5 job. This studio built amazing games in the past, not even games. Built amazing worlds. Destiny has a huge potential to build a great world and i say all of this because i still feel you can turn this sinking ship around and head in the right direction. But the time for words is over. I think the community is clearly tired of you telling us what youre listening to and not delivering and expecting us to forget and forgive and do it all again in 3 months. Get your act together.

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