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Destiny 2

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12/28/2017 6:43:37 PM

Player Feedback: The Dawning

Hello all, Since the Dawning went live, we've been watching the conversation and recording your feedback. I'd like to give a short list of items that have been noted. This list is not prioritized in any fashion, but a quick representation of trending topics throughout the community: [quote][b]• Eververse • Mayhem • Vault Space • Endgame - Strikes, Raids, Item Collection • Crucible - Gametypes, Team sizes • Sandbox Balancing - Exotics weapons and armor • Three of Coins • Curse of Osiris: Weapons Forge Questing • [url=]Masterworks and Weapon/Armor Modifications[/url][/b] [/quote] That said, keep it coming. When we return to full force in 2018, details will be shared on the feedback that was collected and how we'll look to address it. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Wow you guys really suck

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  • I can pretty much bet my thumbs that if this list was implemented the community would be considerately happier. Period.... Change back to D1 weapons slots (watch video Throw out the token system Strike specific loot A real quest page Real quests (eg Bohleen Gemini, sleeper sim) Exotic quests which are hard (eg chaperone) Real exotics White whale weapons drops in activities (eg mythocast) Raid perks on raid gear The grind (eg strike keys, treasure keys) Bounties Hidden bounties (eg thorn) Hidden quests (eg kastavo) Hidden missions (eg Black spindle) Grimmore (in-Game) Dead ghost (collectibles) Way more Game achievements 3v3 6v6 pvp Real PvP game types with a selection process Ranked play Removing random rolls on sparrows Mystery and wonder back to destiny This is just what we expected from D2 not to say anything about what we hoped for. Things like: New subclasses Flying our ships New exciting vehicles (that are part of normal game play) New weapon types(ones that are useful)

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    • If what has been said from a interview about a leak that Destiny 2s initial director was terminated after already two years of development along with either all or most of the data that had been worked on, it puts me in the mindset of what happened in D1 if not worse. I know there's pressure to meet a deadline, but truthfully, if you had that kind of drastic overhaul shouldn't a wiser course of action to push the game back to insure a solid game was put out and all this PR mess your now experiencing wouldn't be occurring. And if the information is accurate, saying developing for D2 was "too hard" I guess I don't see how. I mean you already have the code in place for D1 how hard was it to transfer what already existed to a new disc and online with a few changes to enemy data along with new public events. It baffles me if this information is indeed to be believed, sorry Luke Smith, I would've pushed release back to not only get the initial planets returned, but the added new ones, along with tailoring Earth to include Cosmodrome, along with all other areas. So maybe that explains why endgame is virtually non-existent, the weapons and armor seem nearly useless, even exotics feel weak, but the milk has been spilled, so now this is what us the fans, now have. I just wanted to state my displeasure at that it indeed could be true, a franchise that I love so dearly could be so much more but isn't.

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    • This says everything,

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    • Make PvP fun - 6v6, faster movement, faster ability recharge, D1 weapon system. That applies to the whole game - make the movement fast and fun again. Basically - just put everything back to the way it was in D1 and expand on that. D2 simplified and nerfed everything. It's a nightmare.

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      2 Antworten
      • Bearbeitet von CookieNiki: 1/4/2018 11:23:12 PM
        Your list will do nothing about Destiny 2. This game it's NOT a destiny game, it's a generic FPS, period. As a year 1 player, who played Destiny the whole 3 years and trusted Bungie enough to buy D2, all I feel about the current state of this franchise is perfectly, 100% described in the article below. Suffice to say that in my whole life as a gamer, (that started with PONG back in the 70's), Destiny 2 was the biggest disappointment and deception I ever had from a game developer. [quote]Destiny 2 is a bad Destiny game. It was a bad Destiny game on the day it released. It was a bad Destiny game during the beta, it was a bad Destiny game the moment it was conceptualized. And the reason it’s a bad game is because it wasn’t made for the people who like Destiny. It was made for people who don’t like Destiny, and that ends up being a lesson on arrogance, vision and losing site of who your audience is. Bungie somewhere along the line decided what was actually wrong with Destiny was Destiny. Supers, powerful abilities, interesting gear and diverse play-styles. ALL of these things were toned down or eliminated in Destiny 2. Destiny players wanted new and interesting characters to play with. Instead they got the same ones with less diversity. They wanted more diverse builds, instead they got a binary choice of ability set A or ability set B. They wanted gear perks that made the game even wilder and more interesting. Instead they got gear perks that increase the reload speed of hand cannons by 3%. They wanted Destiny 2 to be a larger game that further delivered on the initial promise of an FPS/MMORPG and instead they got a narrative FPS game (...) - [url=]LINK TO ARTICLE[/url][/quote]

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      • You ask the players opinion and you get it.. overwhelmingly so. That said. those here are a small percentage of the player base. We are the ones that care, are involved, invested and many came from D1 and are not your casual players. This means that we want things that you may not like to hear because it will limit your easy cash cow, money grabbing, casual oriented glimmer fest you have going on which seems to be what Activision and you want.. easy money, little work. If you want those of us here that care and are telling you what we want to solve the problem, start making drastic changes. not .004% changes.. huge drastic changes and do it immediately, and, if it is going to take some time, tell us exactly what you intend and exactly when it will come out.. That or tell us frankly that your fans are not your priority and that you are more interested in the casual game. We will grudgingly take our money and our gaming time somewhere else who wants us.

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      • If you think things are bad now, unless you address the problems in D2 which includes Eververse but also the core failings of D2 then things will only get worse. You’ve got one DLC to get it right before asking us to get our wallets out again!

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      • do not dare to change 4v4!!! do not take that away please!!!! and why didn't you fix mayhem nova glitch right away??? if Eververse was giving guardians free engrams daily you would have fixed that right away! Its sucked to play Mayhem this holidays as a titan and warlock. I found out how to do the glitch but its fkg stupid, it ruins the fun for everyone... end of rant shhhhhiet

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      • Whatever happened to a brand new game? (Sells old stuff back to us) (Doesn't let us keep anything else free from D1 trying to make a "brand" new game.)

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      • I love how the things you listed are basically just things that make up the, oh, I don't know, entire game?

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      • Bearbeitet von Bicepus Maximus: 1/4/2018 9:59:19 PM
        Let me put it this way: if you remove eververse it will re-invent your company. With one decision you will go from being the bad guys to a company that cares. What is so wrong with just making great games people buy without all the predatory micro-transaction garbage. This is a turning point for the industry. I contend that micro-transaction are so dirty and gross they will cripple the industry. Think long term.... Remove eververse, add new content, change things around. Think about the players. What is the point of making these games if you do not listen to the player base. This is an art. Developing games is amazing. They connect people, provide entertainment, support families. You are throwing all of this away for a few bucks.

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      • 1. You have effectively doubled the rate it takes to earn a free engram. (this is after the debacle and this was your "fix" to the debacle) 2. You added three tokens to the ever verse store and removed 4 selling spots for item. Reducing the chances of desired product to be sold for dust. 3. From season 1 you have drastically increased the numbers of sparrows, ships, and ghosts with retreads to reduce the chances of getting an exotic item and to have the exotic item have an opportunity to be sold for dust. 4. You have made an entire event simply based around Eververse. Even to the point of stacking non holiday shaders in with holiday shaders so you reduce the chance of getting the limited time shaders. You also separated the holiday shaders between freely gained and "purchased" filling up valuable space all over 7 dust per shader.... 5. You limit space in storage but in order to reduce duplicates in eververse you need to hold onto ships and sparrows and ghosts to not get a duplicate....

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        5 Antworten
        • Thanks for listening 😉

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        • Making content is too hard

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        • I like the new patch.

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        • Bungie you lost your mojo no matter how many PR spins. You can put that in your list too.

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        • I have no reason to play. Give me reasons to play. Like d1 was at the end.

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        • You’re busted. You no longer deserve a loyal player base.

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          1 Antworten
          • 3 years worth of feedback from D1 and you're STILL asking for more feedback? Clearly you're not listening and never will. Please continue to do whatever will bring you the most money. That's clearly the route you have decided on moving forward with. Personally, I'm just waiting for RDR2 to drop and then I can drop this shit game you've created.

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            • Idc what you do just appeal to what we are saying or y’all will get the biggest game drop off of the century.

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            • What's the point really, this game is a disaster and as long as you a publisher like Activision pulling your strings, it will always remain that way. So there's no point in asking the community for feed back, you should be asking Activision. They are the ones you really cater to.

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            • Bearbeitet von CAPO 9: 1/4/2018 6:27:16 PM
              Pleaaaase add “skill tree customization expansion” to your list! Get rid of atunement and make it a pool of options like d1 and add new options for more synergies, strategy and personalization. If atunement removal is too much, expand the ones we have to create paths within each atunement, more options etc. I’m sure you can remove atunement tho. Also give us the simple option of swapping grenades.

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            • Our disgust of the way you’ve implemented Eververse won’t go away until you’ve fixed it

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              • Bearbeitet von Gaming Since 81: 1/5/2018 8:19:10 PM
                Not getting all the dawning engrams dropping, my warlock didn't get one for completing Mayhem just now, never have got one for finishing the strike portion with any character, only have received 2 shaders. Dawning rewards broken and I hope you are going to retroactively reward all missing drops. Last thing this game needed. Went through multiple games with a dude spamming tracking nova bomb after tracking nova bomb to get stiffed. LAME

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              • 15
                So it appears you stopped making content because it was "too hard". I'm so sorry. Here. Let me give you a minute to cry about how hard it is..... Minute's up. If making content is SO hard. Maybe you need to focus on making content for the game that you made people pay for, not the cash shop. If this is all too hard for you. Here's what you do.... You take a deep breath, stand up, walk to the door. Turn off the lights. Drive home. And quit. If you are so poorly run that you can't keep up with other producers who offer twice the product at the same price, then it's time that you surrender and find something else to do with your life. Close Eververse, or refund 100% of peoples purchase and go over to fully microtransactions. By the way. Who ever agreed with the above will probably disagree with this. You're doing it to your self, people. "It's so hard" a lot of what makes things hard for you is stressing about balance. Making sure that crucible is balanced. Making sure that no weapons are effective or skills are worth using in PVE (it's a very delicate balance, you have to make sure that the player feels underpowered, while also making sure the weapon is useless)... Here's how you cut 90% of your workload. Step 1. STOP trying to balance PVE entirely and let people enjoy their power fantasy, if that makes a few try hards cry hard, then who cares. They aren't going to stop playing the game if it gets easier. They'll stop because there's nothing worth doing. Step 2. Because you have put the focus on not balancing PVE, simply convert PVP so that all guns fire only on their "basic attributes". No perks. Even exotics only work on their basic stability, range, handling, etc... By choosing to be dick heads about pve (god forbid that somehing should die after being shot in the head with a rifle) and maybe making a mod economy where people can customize their own play experience, meaning people will grind for the mod they want for the weapon they want... Like another game I know...... By pulling your head out, taking a deep breath of fresh air, and realizing the PVE experience doesn't have to be shit.... And simply turning off all mods for crucible... You solve your whole problem. But no. That requires three seconds worth of independent thought. I swear you people couldn't think your way out of a chalk circle a four year old drew on the pavement... "Oh god, I'm stuck inside this circle... Who will feed my cat...where will I use the bathroom... I hope some kind passer by will allow me to have something to eat so I do not starve...Trapped inside a circle, well, I guess this is my life now"... OR MAYBE YOU COULD JUST STEP OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE.

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