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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
11/13/2017 5:00:40 PM

Do you trust Bungie? and would you pre-order from them in the future?

If only they could make games the way the marketing team make them out to be. It would be the best game ever.

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  • My honest comment? Yes, I do. i wish i didn't, but my own experiences in the software and gaming industries lead me to that conclusion. I'll explain. (Sorry, it got way long...) You know, and I know that the current state of D2 isn't where anyone wants it to be. The rewards system caps out, token systems are too heavily weighted on the vendor payout, and not the activity rewards themselves. PvP is broken because there is one gun class that can compete in every range category and team shooting > personal ability. Trials are broken because there isn't a bracketing system that makes carrying very hard. Not even getting into the nitpicks, like not being able to replay story (the Almighty mission is amazing), not being able to select a specific activity, vault and collections needing an upgrade, team sizes, etc., there are some issues in the game. But there is one thing that most people outside the industry don't realize. This game isn't where Bungie wants it to be either. How can that be true? It's pretty simple, really. In the industry, no matter what kind of consumer-facing software you write, there are always different iterations of a product. Depending on the complexity, the base iteration may be amazing, or it may be much more bare-metal. In the case of D2, the complexity of the situation was fairly high. This is owning to the need to reconstruct the code base for the game: there's virtually no copy-paste of code from D1. In speaking with some of the people involved, either in game or in other formats, there are 2 things I can confirm. Firstly, the old code base was a nightmare: finding the code of any one thing was a monumental process. Then changing it and both making it do what you wanted, and ensuring it didn't break something took weeks, at a minimum. And secondly, a lot of the people that wrote the base code weren't involved with it at the point where changes were being made, making the base a virtual black box. So the base for D2 had to be coded fresh. With all the system changes, needing a new code base, and all the other factors going into the release, the teams basically got us a functional. basic version on release day. I'm sure that whereas they are proud of what they managed to accomplish, they aren't happy with what they managed to release on day one. They had a ton of things in the works, and they had to decide what was production-ready and what wasn't. Those meetings are heart-breaking for devs that have spent dozens of hours on something. I saw the end of D1, and it was a good thing, for me personally, anyways. Understanding that we went from vanilla to the final product of D1 reinforces to me that they didn't produce a crap pile just to spite me, they did so for reasons. I don't agree with all of them, but the game itself is fun enough for me to adapt to what I don't prefer. I think in a year, we'll be seeing a very different D2 than today. I could be totally wrong, and if so, that's fine too. But I understand why a lot of things are in the position they are right now, and I am willing to let them try their hand at making it what they had envisioned, rather than what they had time for.

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