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Bearbeitet von Lincoln927: 9/28/2017 10:35:08 PM

Burnouts Inc for #CommunityFocus

Burnouts Inc for #CommunityFocus Cosmo, I founded my clan back in vanilla D1 on 09/15/2014 and it is still going strong. It has literally changed lives of some of our members including mine. I'd love to get our name out there to show what a difference clans can make in the lives of the players. (edited to include details i posted below) The story I want to tell of my clan is not so much our achievements in game (although we do have the #1 player in the world for crucible No Land Beyond kills… just sayin). I want to tell the personal side of a group of random people from across the country and the world who have no regular business ever meeting each other. I started this clan when I lived in Los Angeles kind of as a side project little joke to myself. I did not expect the rate at which it took off and I certainly did not expect the amazing new friends I had coming my way. We now have members in Washington, Texas, Montana, Florida, Delaware, The UK, Germany, Australia, and more. We are a group as diverse as could be, but we have grown to have one thing in common. We love each other like brothers and sisters. The clan changed my life personally as I mentioned above. I met my now girlfriend when she joined my clan. We became friendly through the game, it grew into something more, and now I have relocated my life to Seattle to be with her. I can honestly say it has been a 100% life upgrade, and it wouldn’t have happened without the clan. When my mother passed away in April on a Monday morning I decided not to say anything right away. We had a pre-reset raid scheduled for that night, and I knew that there was one thing that was going to take my mind off my troubles for a few hours. Raiding with my friends, laughing, joking, treating it like any other night when we are just screwing around. I needed to laugh and smile and relax. I broke the news to them the next day and got an outpouring of support and love that carried me through. We have a discord server and I started a channel “Our History”. I asked each of my clan mates to post the story of how they found the clan, what drew them to us, and what their experience has been. There are so many stories in there that deserve to be shared as an example of what a difference this game has made in the small community we have formed. Members have moved, changed jobs, changed their lives, gained and lost loved ones, and the clan has been an anchor of support to each of them when they needed it. I’ve made friends in the last three years that I hope to keep in contact with for the rest of my life. This is the message I want to spread.

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  • Lv 269 Titan looking for a clan especially a social one. I'm OK with any content pvp pve related. Played destiny 1 alot in a clan but unfortunately the clan is almost dead in destiny 2. Also a looong time halo fan if anyone would be interested in that. Gamertag: Hepper

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    1 Antworten
    • Love your story, and i applaud you, would k i be to join your clan if there any opening left aka : sealsilent on ps4

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      1 Antworten
      • Looking for a clan. 283 warlock iceforeborne

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      • Bearbeitet von waysketch: 9/27/2017 11:28:23 PM
        I think you should give some examples. I’ve ran into a few clans that have helped other guardians learn Nightfall’s, Raid’s, and game tips without gaining anything. There are full clans (lots of them) that have done and maxed out all Guided games and who will answer community questions in the Help forums. There are guardians that have created YouTube videos to prove hard mathematical problems to prove why one weapon may be better than an other. There are some truly selfless individuals playing this game who really move the community forward. If all that sounds like your clan then I would probably give some examples.

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        • I joined this Clan way back in D1.... After playing some strikes with a couple of members, we struck up a conversation and had some good fun. I was surprised and delighted to get an invite later that day (I must've made an impression lol). See here's the thing, I came from Xbox 360 to PS4 and did not many friends on this platform. Indeed I was always pretty much a lone wolf and preferred my solo play lifestyle, joining clans as I needed and leaving when I didn't... Pretty mercenary I know..... But, something about Burnouts just clicked with me, they where just like me, they just wanted to have fun in the game. Well, I made friends here, lots of them and now we play many other games together too, from Dangerous Elite to WoTanks, Warframe to Overwatch. I don't think I would have met these guys and gals without destiny's clan system and Plincon21's initiative. It's not just about the NF, Raiding etc either.... It's been more than that, it's been like having an online family, a slightly disfunctional one, but certainly a family....ha, some of the younger guys even call me grandad lol. Anyways, my special heartfelt thanks goes to Plincon21 and the rest of Clan Burnouts Inc, I love you all, be good, grandad is watching !! X

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          I joined the clan in late 2014 just before the dark below release. I wanted to start doing end game activities like the NF and to start raiding. I found this clan when I was searching for one and joined. I soon made a lot of good friends within the clan and that's why I have 1000's of hours in Destiny.

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