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Destiny 2

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9/2/2017 11:50:15 PM

Is Destiny 2 Doomed to Greatness?

[spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler] As I do with most posts like these, I want to give a little disclaimer. I am as biased as they come. I sunk hour upon hour into Destiny 1 and I have preordered the sequel. I have defended both of those decisions with an irrational fervency. I have also been waiting months for the "I told you so" to all of those people who say "it is just DLC" as if that were remotely possible both actually and hypothetically. If there is someone who wants Destiny 2 to succeed (both financially and critically) it is me. That being said I will be realistic. If these don't bother you, keep reading. If they do, I ask you to read as well and at least consider what I wrote. That being said I am here to defend one point have being nulling over for a while now; it is impossible for Destiny 2 to fail (specifically critically). Here is why: When Destiny 1 released it got lukewarm reactions. It was praised for it's glorious combat and beautiful art style but criticized for its underdeveloped rpg systems, awful story, and poor leveling systems, amongst other things. All that being said Destiny received generally 6-8 reviews, putting it into the "solidly good" category. To be honest people made out the game as worse than it actually was due to being overhyped. Destiny: The Collection received much more acclaim, landing between 7-9 putting it into the "great" category. This no doubt is due at least partially to the stunningly useful overhauls provided by TTK. Now look at Destiny 2. What we know about it is, overall,promising. It retains the same fantastic gameplay, universe and art style while keeping the improvements made by TTK and subsequent expansions and continuing to improve by adding things like Flashpoints, Adventures, a Lore Tab, Lost Sectors, etc. And of course there is the story. Even if it is a bad story (think Halo 5), it will at least be coherent, which is more that anyone could say about Destiny 1. As you can see, it is extremely hard for Destiny 2 to do worse than the first game. Unless it has some gamebreaking glitches or has less content than the first game (which is pretty hard because the 4 patrols of Destiny 1 are categorically much smaller in both scales of content and size than those of Destiny 2, as one example). That immediately puts it into or above the "good range" without second thought. And if the Story is good/great, there is plenty of replayable content, progression is meaningful, guided games works well, the characters have charm, I think Destiny 2 has an easy shot at the 8-10 range. But even if it isn't, there is essentially no way Destiny 2 could do worse than Destiny 1, meaning it will almost certainly be a great game, at the very least. Thank you for reading. Am I a soulcrushingly incorrect fanboy who has it all wrong? Give your thoughts below. [spoiler]Oh and I know that numerical rating systems are kind of stupid, but I really am referring to the general populous' opinion of the game, which I do not think you should really care about if you end up loving/hating the game.[/spoiler]

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  • 7/10

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  • Can't help thinking removing random rolls will take away from replay ability value eventually, especially things like Iron Banner. I loved playing that for different rolls. Hey ho..

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    • Destiny 2 will be here to stay. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]

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      • Bearbeitet von BaconRiot: 9/5/2017 8:51:21 PM
        I expect it to be addictive, yet mediocre... Like D1, but probably better.

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      • Bearbeitet von Hulkksmash: 9/5/2017 2:36:45 PM
        Lemme add this for every one.... TL;DR Destiny 1 was beta the entire time with its half-assed implementation of everything. Now D2 is releasing tomorrow and it's a step in the direction of a complete game. Keywords folks "step in right direction" You're welcome

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      • You make very good posts. I approve.

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      • This might sound very weird, but D1's story actually hooked me into the game. Why? Because I was curious about everything. Every grimoire card I earned, every design aspect. Every weapon. Here's to hoping D2 does the same!

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      • No, Destiny 2 won't fail. That's why the haters are in such an uproar. They can't stand seeing people enjoy something they hate. Hate for no reason other than its not their type of game.

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        • I heard Bungie, maker of Halo, had just released new fps. Day 1. It was called Destiny. My son, 14 at the time, asked if we could get it. He mentioned it was going to be a 10 year campaign. I said "wow, Bungie? New halo type game? Awesome." Bought it, knew nothing, had zero expectations. I didn't know about forums and apps and any of that social media shit to ruin it w salt. To me, it was halo w 3 characters and space magic and more toys. I loved the game. Still do. D2 will provide another several thousand hours of gaming for me. Space magic is calling.

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          • Bearbeitet von TheShadow-cali: 9/3/2017 4:50:04 PM
            Option very... I believe it will do great not because of quantity or quality, but do to the fact the game is bought off of hype and habbit. If anyone was actually honest with themselves, scenery, artwork, story game play is just the norm and not enough to say the game is great. Look at CoD, graphics suck, the movement sucks, each year a game is pumped out with really nothing new to offer to the game. Yet it has a strong player base and gamers will say it's successful. But the problem with that is, it's not successful for the quality and quantity of the game. It's only successful off of hype and habit. Destiny has the opportunity not to be successful only off of hype and habit, but IMO this company has limited that to keeping it at a minimal. In fact if anyone was honest with themselves and looked at a Guardian. A Guardian is a shadow of it's former self... This company took the concept of a game that was not created to be balanced that was based off of PvE and dumb the entire game down for the sake of "balance" for PvP. The game will be successful, but it will not be successful for the quantity and quality of the game. Especially after 10 years of working on a game that the company can't even keep with the concept of the game that was meant to be unique. I like Destiny, but this company is putting too many limits on what a Guardian was created for and the potential of what a Guardian can become.

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            • I honestly waited until this last weekend to order D2. I put a crap ton of hours into D1 and really enjoyed most of those hours. What really gave me pause in early pre-ordering D2 was Bungievi$ion. Even the most diehard fanboy has to admit that Bungievi$ion handled gameplay issues poorly. Meaning that certain issues got an immediate response while other, equally important gameplay issues were ignored.... sometimes for months. Then there was the run-up to D2. Early on all the fanbase received was fluff and hype. I get it, hype is a good thing to promote your game. However, given the issues that plagued D1 I for one expected more substance and less hype from Bungie. So I waited to check the Beta. The Beta was..... lacking. Yes, I know that a Beta is merely a test platform. But when even Bungie admitted that the Beta was running on "a very old build" I was NOT impressed. Seemed like the "same old Bungie". Perhaps a lot of people were like me and waited it out because from the Beta until now Bungie has been MUCH more forthcoming about mechanics and gameplay. Some do not like the "changes" but there were changes nevertheless. It seems that perhaps enough players waited to order and Bungie became more forthcoming. With that knowledge and the sorry fact that there are damn few games dropping this fall (sound familiar from D1?) I decided to give D2 a try. I would love to see the franchise grow but I am keeping my expectations realistic. Remember, this IS Bungie and Activision after all.

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              • I think D2 is going to be a let down, upon lunch you will get a nostalgic feeling form Destiny one but after that, the repetitive feeling sets in as you complete what will call "fluff missions" just to reach max level it will get boring.(I hadly believe that mission design has improved greatly.) Patrols are going to be a huge energy drain too. I also think PVP is going to blow hard. Just watching footage of PVP in D2 makes me sleepy. The excitement will come from trying to reach level cap and getting ready for the raid. Once players have beaten the raid they will dive in to Trials which comes out on the same day I think. Forms and online sites like lfg will be jumpin but will simmer down quickly. Did I mention that they have pulled some exotics from destiny 1 into destiny 2?

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                • Bearbeitet von Random Gamer 1337: 9/4/2017 8:24:11 PM
                  Can't be doomed to a good thing.

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                  • Bearbeitet von Naz: 9/3/2017 6:38:53 PM
                    [spoiler] [/spoiler] Well to be fair, the exotics in D1 were more rewarding, which drove people to keep playing the game. Have you taken a look at the exotics in D2? They're all the same except the aesthetics. A lot of people also say that pvp isn't as fun as in D1 because 4v4 is too sweaty and it's more difficult to get multikills + they took away snipers as a main weapon. Aside from that, it looks very promising.

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                    • Doomed..Maybe. Greatness...No. It's a good game, but will never be a GOAT, unless Bungie changes some core design flaws.

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                      • Honestly I think they've gone for the 'play other games between expansions' route. Exotics look dull, light level can only increase past 260 in weekly rituals like nfall, raid, adventures, so you'll hop on at reset, do your stuff, then what? No point playing for you can't increase light. PvP is more team focused meaning the guys who hop on for 2-3 games before bed, now won't. Guns having static rolls again suits people who don't play much. The game looks like a very casual easy to play team orientated game, just like D1 but with no grind needed. It could fall off. I've read the story too, it's not great. Might look great but the actual storyline is silly (I won't spoil)

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                        7 Antworten
                        • Overall, I think Destiny 2 will be a commercial success. * By building it such that a player needn't have ever touched D1, they remove the possibility of someone playing D1 and being turned off from the franchise by it's flaws. * By replacing RNG stat rolls on guns with fixed stats, they remove the frustration of having to grind for that "perfect" gun, whatever a player's definition of perfect is. * By increasing the variety of things to do in PvE, and integrating lore into the game, they deliver on things PvE players having been asking for for years. * By switching to the 2-primary system and killing Supers and Grenades, they deliver to the PvP crowd that wants a more team-focused competitive environment, as in Rainbow 6, CoD, Battlefield and even Halo. However, while D2 might be a commercial success, there is no telling how many players will come back for D3. * Many PvE-focused players, like myself, are very disappointed in Bungie's refusal to separate the sandboxes and the resulting harm it's had on PvE. * Some players are frustrated at the PvP-focused tuning (2-primary, no-supers/grenades) because it's made gunfights more tedious in PvE. * I've read many comments, though they seem to be the minority, from PvP-players who are disappointed in the (effective) removal of supers and grenades, because they lose the space-magic feel they liked in matches. * Some players were turned off by nothing carrying over from D1, and might not bother with expansions, or D3, thinking they'll just get turned over again. Ultimately, Bungie's attempted to make a game for everyone and succeeded only in making a game no one really accepts all-around. Everyone's got things about this game they dont like. Bungie would be wise to decide what type of game they want, clearly articulate it, and be willing to lose the support of the ones their decision turned away. Right now though, they seem content to straddle the fence trying to appease everyone, and appeasement never works in the long run. So, long-story-short, I think D2 will succeed commercially, but enough people are put off by enough things about it that they might not come back for D3, and might actively campaign against the game. It's never in a studio's interest when their own players turn against the game they've made.

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                          • Class poll

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                          • For me, I mostly just want destiny 2 to be a fresh start. When the first game came out, I loved it and almost everything about it. But, as the game changed, it became something different than what I had fallen in love with. And I think that was what started my falling out with the first game. So here's to destiny 2, a fresh start with new expectations for a game to discover!

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                          • Bearbeitet von Myth1k: 9/3/2017 3:35:17 PM
                            Only problem I see if they're releasing the raid one week after launch which means you have to blow through all the content to be raid ready day one. You don't get to enjoy the content. Not saying you have to but alot of people will to be ready for the raid. Could've delayed release to at least 2 weeks after release

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                            10 Antworten
                            • Despite my numerous concerns with and doubts about D2 I an certain that it will sell extremely well. I really enjoyed D1 for a very long time until I was worn down by the nerfs and questionable changes wrought by Bungie. I had hoped that PvE would be separated from PvP in D2 and my disappointment that this did not happen remains unabated. I really hate that PvE was sold out to PvP. Despite all the gee gaws thrown at PvE, and we have yet to see exactly how good they are, PvE lives from the crumbs from PvPs table Having said this if people like the sequel I am pleased for them, we all look for and like different things. So enjoy the game Guardian and may it be everything you were looking for. Who knows I may even change my mind about D2

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                            • Destiny 1 was dogshit so saying "it ls gonna be better than destiny" isnt really saying much. Try comparing it to games like the witcher 3 or legend of zelda, dosent really hold up anymore huh

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                              • I didn't know destiny 2 was coming out I thought destiny 1.5 was

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                                • The Great Nike once said, "If you can't handle the heat, don't eat the habanero."

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                                • "Greatness" in some sense for sure and I will state that destiny is a good franchise and the studio behind it has a solid history of quality. D1 was far from the best thing put out by that studio but it certainly had potential that was never realized. D2 has every reason to succeed with a large budget, decent studio and a blindly ravenously loyal fan base. I will say the fanbase can be one of the most frustrating things in gaming as those who make it up more often than not funnel into anti-consumer practices despite being shown the direct result of doing so. The studio makes choices that leave many players thinking "but why tho?" over an over. The publisher has zero regard for its consumers and treats them worse than cattle. I look forward to D2 nothing is perfect and it is important to point out the bad so it can be fixed.

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                                • Hopefully you have to grind to get certain legendaries and exotics instead of all the OP stuff being handed out by simply doing a quest. Lets keep some stuff actually rare Bungie!!!!

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