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1/5/2017 2:49:15 AM

dEsTiNy AwEsOmE mOmEnTs

"Westward Ramparts, The Dune Sea" "They're getting closer Jack!!" I was sprinting through the moonlit hills of the dune sea. "Why did we pick this mission? We both know you're the slowest at the tower! The truth is? Me either. In my ghost was a datachip for cabal offensive plans for a potential invasion of earth. To put it simply, I held the potential future of earth in my hands, well, and a sarcastic know it all ghost. "Just relax ghost, We've been in worse." "No, we haven't" "Yeah, yeah you're right but-" In my attempts for half glass humor, I tripped over a slab of metal that sent us tumbling down a sand dune. "Great job Jack, they actually caught up to us" He motioned to the top of the dune I had just rolled from. The roars of the Cabal death squad were getting closer. "Ghost! How close are we to the nearest sparrow beacon?!" "Well, lets just say we're as far as we are from getting a closed casket funeral." Suddenly a loud triumphant roar silenced the wind around us. A massive Cabal primus appeared over the sand dune. He had armor as black as the night, and a cape the color of stained blood. He motioned his gargantuan fingers at us letting out a roar that resembled an order. Suddenly two Interceptors zoomed over the hill. They too had a distinctive black and red paint job, with a red claw mark decal on the nose. "Well Jack, what do we do now?" "Now we have chat, with nades."

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