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7/21/2016 11:27:40 AM

A thread about Donald Trump

I understand that posting this with my particular opinion will stir up a shitstorm*, so I'm just going to drop the link above and ask: what do you guys think? *A bigger shitstorm.

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  • Trump supporters have never cared about such things though. He has said he could walk down fifth avenue and shoot somebody and not lose a supporter and he's right. People don't like Trump for saying facts; people like Trump for saying the cruel things he does about subjects they're emotional about. "Mexicans are taking our jobs?! Those guys are rapists and drug dealers! Build the wall! Build it tall! Deport them all!" "Muslims are attacking this country? Ban all of them from coming in!" Keep in mind all recent terrorists have been [i]born in America[/i]. "Many conservative Americans think Hillary should be in jail so HillaryForJail2016!" Trump has criticized Hillary for voting for the Iraq war calling it a sign of weakness, yet choose a running mate who also did and dismissed it as "being human" when asked about his record. Trump's supporters also initially said they loved that he pays his own way, then shrugged their shoulders when he started raising money. Trump supporters don't care about facts. What they love about him is that he's an unapologetic asshole who plays to their fears and prejudices. He is literally the definition of a demagogue. He confidently attacks first with "sick burns" and facts don't matter to him. He won't apologize and he's just "cool" so America loves him. He's a salesman who specializes at selling himself and conservative America is eating out of his hands.

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