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6/21/2016 9:10:55 PM

Gender Equality is destroying morality

[quote]The other day, I answered a phone call regarding questions about my place if business. I informed "her" that she had to take it up with another department and that she needed to call a different number. I got the number for her and and she asked me another question in which I responded "Yes Ma'am." "She" then proceeded to yell at me. I tried to apologize for inadvertently offending "her" in which "she" responded "No! You were just trying to be a jerk, asshole!" He/She hung up in a fit of rage. [/quote] [u]I refer to everyone as sir or ma'am as a sign of respect for those around me. And I would never say it over the phone unless I was certain. Now I feel as if I have to uproot my morals and virtues to appease someone how wanted to uproot their gender. [b]I fully support gender equality and changing genders, but I will not disrespect the vast majority of people to appease less than .1% of people.[/b][/u] Now my company may be facing a lawsuit and I could be looking at potential termination for this. You can have your gender equality and I will support you in all aspects, but this situation is disgusting, and people shouldn't drop their morals for this.

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