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Bearbeitet von CrazyLincoln: 3/20/2016 10:22:45 AM

Vote For Lincoln: Make the Floof Great Again

I don't want Offtopic to be great again


Lincoln for Lord of the Floof


Other part of the penis poll for explotation


Let's face it kiddos. Offtopic has gotten worse each passing day. The flood of new users from #Destiny has made Offtopic turn into an even worse cesspool. I have a solution and it's gonna be -blam!-ing huge!! I'm going to build a wall between offtopic and destiny! I'll deport all the destiny kiddos from offtopic and bring back only good rp posts and troll threads. I'll remove the corrupt moderators too!!!! I will make Offtopic great again. Vote for me. Together we can [i]trump[/i] the destiny kiddos and finally bring back the glory of Offtopic. Face it. You need me Offtopic. I am the only one who can bring order to this shit show.

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