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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von NYDIBS: 1/22/2016 5:40:29 PM

don't like sbmm? git gud scrub

it's funny seeing everyone complaining about sbmm bc they can't pubstomp anymore and their precious k/ds are dropping you feel like every match is a sweaty now? u don't like losing? how do you think randoms felt going up against you. u say u can't take a match off now, lol, like u ever did before. please the only time u unequip the meta is when bungie creates a new one with their "balancing" basically if you complain about sbmm, only thing I have to say is git gud scrub and let the attacks on my k/d begin edit: if its the lag that bothers you, then complain about the lag. Bungie said they will look into the latency issues, if you want to believe them

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