Hello, Guardians.
Right this every minute, many of you are acquiring Black Spindle. Surprise!
Wouldn't you know it, there is a bug that is enabling some of these weapons to drop at 310 - that's 20 points higher than intended. In the near future, we'll be releasing an update that will adjust the Black Spindle to match the attack rating for other Year Two Exotics.
It has also come to our attention that you are using this new acquisition to Infuse your other weapons. Good on you. Have fun with that. None of those weapons will be affected by this change - only the Spindle.
They should have let us keep it that way! We worked very hard on that mission to get the Blk Spndl!!! Or they should have warned that this was coming so I should have infused my other weapons with that. This is not fair!!! BOOOO!!!! BUNGIE! Typical.... Bungie messes up and we pay the price!
Id just like the mission for the Black Spindle to pop up again
Let's fix a gun, but what about a fundamental issue across the whole game.. IDK SPRINTING????
I put over 20 hours into trying to get the spindle. More work than any of my other 310 weapons or armor. Then to avoid the nerf. Bought one off the wall. Put two other weapons into it. So on top of the grind I lost three exotic shards. I am not a year one player either. So I don't have many exotics to break down. Way to bend us over "bendgie"
Yikes, bad move
So you wait what three weeks to nerf spindle thinking we'd forget. Been you are terrible at your job and you come across as an ass
You suck
Personally not mad about this, but was it even necessary to do? In the past week, I've had 3 exotics drop at 310 (4th horseman, hereafter and jade rabbit). Just seems like something that could have been left alone.
This is my first post on Destiny's forums since I began playing in April, and this is the only instance that's made me feel like expressing my opinion. And my opinion is that the d team took too much off. 10 points. 10 would've been fair. 300 point weapon drops happen at least once a week for me, considering how many strikes I do. I could live with a 300 black spindle. But 290? Considering the time I and my team put in for it, that just seems hardly a worthwhile reward for overcoming a very difficult challenge now. I would seriously reconsider changing that nerf guys, just saying.
Used my 2 spindles to Infuse my preferred telesto to 310 😉
Should have left it at 310 like the swords and ToM. Any weapon locked behind difficult activities should be 310 surely??
Not only did they dock 20 from "buggy" drop but also anyone that updated it legit from 290.
Bearbeitet von BlackSheep_dsg: 10/14/2015 5:38:11 AMwhy did you even bother nerfing it, now there are 330 items available from drops, dumb as -blam!-
Bearbeitet von KyleBlackout: 10/14/2015 11:09:49 AMIf this was done within the week it happened it would be almost reasonable but it was like a month ago and i already have numerous other 310 weapons. I understand that your work ethic on this game is clearly dog shit but why even bother to nerf this weapon down to 290??? Why waste your time on shit like this when there are other more pressing matters for you to be fixing?? On top of that the grind needed to actually acquire this weapon was worthy of the 310 level already on it. Do you work in cells like -blam!-ing al-Qaeda and not talk to each other unless its through code??? I knew you where going to nerf this weapon but then it didn't happen for weeks and i actually thought that you realised it was a fruitless endeavour. Clearly i was wrong. Your just lazy
Suprise! We worked our asses off. some of the best players I know can't get the spindle at all, spending 5 hours a day spamming that mission. What's so bad about a 310 sniper drop that is way harder to earn than completing a nightfall or raid? Honestly the players deserved it, and you need to stop changing things because people are whiney. That 310 was a sign of success. Your taking it away and wasting out game our so I would advise to un-do this. Because we'll Suprise it's a buzz kill.
That mission was by far the hardest mission i have ever played on destiny... even at near 300 light level, it was ridiculous... Why would you take away something we earned? thats just mean...
Also my -blam!- bridle knows the feels
The difficulty of the mission justified a 310 drop. Just my opinion.
I don't have a Spindle, but listen please. You nerfed the Black Hammer, the legendary version of the Spindle. Now you're nerfing the [b]exotic[/b] one just like you did to the Hammer. But, I remember a lonnnnggg time ago, Bungie said, "Exotics are supposed to be powerful/overpowered." Exotics need this power! They are the highest value weapon type. I say reverse this decision, and keep the Spindle like this. It deserves it's power.
For some reason people interpret the spindle as being other weapons....a spindle is a spindle is a spindle.....no matter where it comes from.
A funny thing happened to my wallet regarding future expansions. [spoiler]it dissapeared[/spoiler]
So, I had the 310 spindle twice, one I infused with a kiosk spindle plus a raid weapon, well, it ended up being 309. Yesterday you nerfed that down to 289 and my original 310 to 290. People infused their hard earned weapons into a kiosk spindle and get fined for that? How exactly is that fair?
Not so funny
That's not funny...that's hilarious