Hello, Guardians.
Right this every minute, many of you are acquiring Black Spindle. Surprise!
Wouldn't you know it, there is a bug that is enabling some of these weapons to drop at 310 - that's 20 points higher than intended. In the near future, we'll be releasing an update that will adjust the Black Spindle to match the attack rating for other Year Two Exotics.
It has also come to our attention that you are using this new acquisition to Infuse your other weapons. Good on you. Have fun with that. None of those weapons will be affected by this change - only the Spindle.
dear bungie i really really like the game.. i love spending some of the few remaining hours of my day after a 16 hour long shifts playing destiny before going to bed.. please stop breaking the game. how bout focusing the energy in fixing lags and bugs instead of trying to fix which is not really broken let the word "EXOTIC" be of meaning to real gamers that buy your game.
Why, DeeJ, why?
Dear, DeeJ This Is a ablated lie and slap to the face to us gamers that spent 10 hours straight at 290-295 light trying to get this weapon. (Like my fire team and I were.) This infusion weapon business shouldn't be on that exotics weapons in the first place and to add more you must have and exotic shard to infuse the weapon that doesn't guarantee that full upgrade.(which would distinguish the difference between the legendaries weapons from the exotic weapons) example: from 280; infuse 297 weapon and only getting 290. That bring a obvious point to the Games Exotic weapons and armor they are "No Different From One Another" from the legendaries weapons and armor in power. All in all The infusion system was good idea in theory but in practice it don't work in a FPS-SudoRPG game like Destiny, specially when you set limit requirements. stalling the player base, and prevent challenges to go in as a team take down enemies (that makes the game "FUN and ENJOYABLE to come back to play.) What you should have done. for those people that went through hell getting the Black Spindle should get to keep the 310 attack while from now on the weapon drop will only be 280. This would more sensible approach and a little commonsense which everyone would be happy with this lie of a bug told straight to everyone face. It is acts like these shake the confidence in people that trust your company and all those affiliated with you. Remember 90% of gamers are not stupid, and they "ARE" smarter than your minds at work and deserve some respect. sincerely, Guardian: OmegaZero 000 (Xbox360)
Ayy lmao
More crap bungie has to fix lol typical Bungie
Not this again. Remember the "Xûr is in the tower" thread they kept bumping? lol
Bearbeitet von Am3ric4nxPsYcHo: 10/20/2015 12:34:58 PMHAHA now the mission is even more worth taking 30 minutes out of my limited Destiny time getting the POS 290 Black Spindle. And btw it should've been like year 1 black hammer with the "Precision hits refill the mag" without the freakin "From is reserves" BS Since its exotic now it should be like year one Black Hammer. You suckers at Bungie said it yourselves: "Black Hammer patch was needed because it even felt like an exotic perk/weapon" At least make it 310 again Bungie geez And yes... I don't have it yet. Mans I know scrubs that say "You don't have Black Spindle" so you can't say s*** about it I hate all of those scrubs
haha..hah.. very funny DeeJ. very funny.
Luckily I didn't buy TTK so none of this applies to me. Although, I think it's a pretty crap move to Nerf it for the people that managed to get it.
Got a 290 Spindle and it was a 310 about 30 seconds after it dropped. Those who are crying are idiots or too lazy to farm engrams.
What's with all the hate lads? For those of you who have gotten your Black Spindle at 310, you clearly shouldn't have, so why is it that you should keep it when others are getting it at the base 290? I personally don't have it and I understand that it is a difficult weapon to get, but why should others have to infuse their gear to get what you got straight up?
Bump here to keep this post alive!
Having nerfed the gun you should have nerfed the battle its way to hard i have tried every time its dropped and not beaten it once becaude its so hard i would love to have this weapon but that battle is just ridiculous its not even fun its just cruel torture cause a cool item is so close that i just cant have really hope that the rumors of it being stuck at 280 isnt true because that would just be stupid
It's funny people thought you could just infuse a bought spindle to 310 and it would be fine. I thought it was abundantly clear all spindles would be nerfed. So I just saved up things until the nerf. It ain't 310 but my 305 spindle is just tops.
WTF I bought a new black spendel got it to 310 then yall nerf it WTF!!!
Rather unfair to nerf those that were already earned, don't you think?
I'm confused
Bearbeitet von SilentAssasin425: 10/16/2015 4:07:42 AMKind of -blam!-ed up that you guys did that, the mission and it's difficulty really added a fun badass aspect to the game, when the reward was actually worth it!...now that it is such low level and the shit is that hard, it's laughable to even think about doing the shit now! Not worth the time. I have been so excited for the fight and struggle to return after the last time, and now I could care less to do it..one thing less to enjoy in the game You add a really cool way to aquire a badass weapon in your game and make something you can actually earn and then you go and even -blam!- that up too? Wtf Bungie
I'm pissed because I infused my 310 spindle, bought a new one, made it 310 and they nerfed it....
Bearbeitet von YDELTA: 10/16/2015 3:59:33 AMReally!? Just tried to get it for the first time...and now Its 280, 290 whatever. Make the mission easier then....no time limit perhaps? Or available for Sale from xur. The lost to light mission to get the black spindle isnt worth the work!!! 280!!! Really !? I thought it was a FUN game!! not so fun now:-(( Big mistake bungie....Big mistake.....SURPRISE!!!😖🔫