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ursprünglich gepostet in: Titan Stealth Nerf?
Bearbeitet von NappQuest: 9/11/2015 8:59:46 AM
Lmao u must be joking right? You can still be killed in foh even when using unstoppable. I main a titan I wreck everything in sight. Just yesterday I went 43-8 with 8 caps in control so no ninja nerfs its all good titanbro

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  • It's really not. I got 43 kills and a similar amount of deaths on Rift. I only won because the spawns are terrible and people hadn't adjusted to the maps. Been one shot by Shoulder Charge and Bladedancers with a single swipe with Ward of Dawn+Armor of Light. [b]With Feedback Fence back in House of Wolves, I could contend a Bladedancer with the on-hit perk.[/b] There's is absolutely no chance of that now, and everyone's butthole gets tight and they make a conscious effort not to melee whenever you use the damn things anyways. And Shotguns will make our melees useless anyways, and you haven't made them any less likable. They're going to have to make Fusion Rifles good again if they want people to step away from Shotguns.

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