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ursprünglich gepostet in: Titan Stealth Nerf?
9/11/2015 8:23:34 AM
I can't speak to PvP, but in PvE defender titan is one of the strongest in the game. No one else can generate the kind of orbs on demand or provide the team utility of defender.

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  • I main a titan defender in pve. Absolutely my favorite. For exotics its helm of saint 14 or, my personal favorite, Armamentarium. Walk around with 7 or 8 rockets, ton of special ammo, and when it gets hectic, a safe zone [i]anywhere[/i] on the map for me and my team. PvP? Not a chance. About the only way i can break even is striker and shoulder charge. Gets boring fast, considering of you miss, you cant even get a melee to contact. Warlock? Can punch you twice before you can get in range. So now i have a warlock mainly for the crucible. The difference is like night and day.

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  • Yeah I'm not really into PvP myself, but I can see why titans would struggle there. I was just commenting on the notion that they aren't much better in PvE. They're beasts in PvE =)

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  • I'm not much of a PvP player either. I tried it out when vanilla design came out, but that was about it. A couple of iron banners ago I noticed that saladin was selling etheric light, and I needed to finish the thorn bounty. So I figured, what the heck. My lord! I got more legendaries from the week of IB that the rest of the year for PvE...then bungie said to kiss them all goodby. Lol.

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