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ursprünglich gepostet in: Titan Stealth Nerf?
9/11/2015 8:10:48 AM
Titans are a rare breed of unstoppable force. The few of us that still operate a titan excell at destroying all opponent's. I do agree we are the weakest of the classes. I have looked at a lot of pvp and pve groups and it consists of hunters and warlocks primarily. I knew few titan players these days who havent switched to the other classes. I have yet to see bungie play a titan in a pvp map

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  • I do agree, wholeheartedly. Those of us that do still main titan, and by those of us I mean all 3 of us, do make a fireteam. I feel like others take advantage of us. I was overreacting a bit in my post by saying that titans don't fair much better in PvE. because, in truth, defender is by far the strongest PvE subclass. Yeah, warlocks have selfres, but they need to die to be useful. And don't get me started on PvE hunters. Defender titans are always useful. What pisses me off about Bungie is they, very obviously, play favorites with the classes. Hunters are the strongest in PvP with supers with insanely high kill capacity. Warlocks have the best exotic, bar none. And titans? We can make "hulk smash" jokes, that's cool, right? We can blow bubbles. More salty titan.... [spoiler]I WANT someone to argue with me. I'm in that kind of mood. Neither titan is that strong of a class. I mean seriously, every so often we can make a safe haven anywhere on the map, but ONLY when we wear the Helm of Saint-14. Any other time, we are slow, have no more survivability than either other class (Warlocks can have MORE! Since when can the glass cannon take more damage than the tank?) As I said in my main post, the titan player pool is stagnating, do you disagree? Honestly, the only reason I main titan is because I find the allure of being a Knight, a Warrior, VERY appealing. Much more than being a mage or a rouge. That is the way I play. A when the way I play is vastly obsolete, it makes me a little angry. In a game where every class is just as important, why is the Wall virtually useless. I have a friend who would tell you how useful a defender titan is, but I feel as if I have spoiled him abit, as I like to think of my self as a very good titan players, not the best, but up there. He notices things a lot more than I do, and he plays a lot of match-made content. He tells me stories of the terrible players he gets match-made with, a lot of them being titans, and he ends up carrying them. I hope Bungie does something to make the titan not only better, but more appealing to new and old players. Us titans need to band together to make this happen. A slick new subclass isn't enough. We need rebalancing, not an exotic that makes us float like a hunter, or some exotic that gives us some bastardized version of blink.[/spoiler] Sorry you took the brunt of that. I am really salty about what Bungie is doing to us Titans. Again, sorry

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  • Its life man i will play a titan till i grow bored of this game. I will never operate another class as much as i use my titan and thats the truth. Bring all challangers cause tgis titan doesnt fall easily i will always take them down with me or take a group down and die trying to make it easier on the others. Play stupid play insane and never second guess your natrual chaotic instinct cause you will wreck all opposing factions and laugh evilly as you do let a insane sound float through your lips as the spark of insanity lights up your eyes wile using a titan thats what makes a titan user special its doing what other fear doing and hurting a precious KD

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