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ursprünglich gepostet in: Titan Stealth Nerf?
9/11/2015 7:44:16 AM
I noticed that titans are severely underperforming since this patch. I have slammed a ton of people withing a few meters to not get the kill. Or to be killed from full health with unstoppable on. And yet again Warlocks will be getting a helm even better than The Ram was.

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  • [quote]I noticed that titans are severely underperforming since this patch. I have slammed a ton of people withing a few meters to not get the kill. Or to be killed from full health with unstoppable on. And yet again Warlocks will be getting a helm even better than The Ram was.[/quote] I have all 3 class's but have been a Titan at heart since the beta. In my opinion the Titan is now BETTER than ever. Here's why: the very forgotten juggernaut is now a beast. Thorn and last word don't pop that thing like they used to and now auto rifles and pulse riffles are common. You can seriously wreck people with juggernaut and invective now. And as for defender, I just got 52 kills In mayhem as a defender. You pretty much have infinite suppressor grenades to take people out of their special and a bubble to block every nova bomb. The Titan is only getting better. But I agree with the OP that the ground smash seems to be more likely to die mid animation now. I'm not sure why. However, Titan master race till the end.

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