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8/24/2015 12:40:58 PM

Someone help please :(

After sending an email twice to support@activision which is says to do on the code page and getting ignored both times, I spoke to Activision online chat customer service, who then told me to go to After going on Bungie, the only option for me if I have a problem with a collectors edition code is to use the Activision code support form. I filled this out about 10 times and I keep getting the same automatic email saying it's invalid which is clearly BS. I have tried lots of different photographsof my receipt and the code which were all perfectly clear and I eventually managed to get a scanned copy of my receipt and code which couldn't of been any clearer. Still get the same email. So I have been speaking to Activision and they are sending me round in circles saying I need to speak to Bungie and I have absolutely had enough now, I think it is disgusting how I pay £80 for a game which should of cost £40 and nobody wants to help me. The way I see it, you guys have robbed £40 from me and nobody wants to help. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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