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Bearbeitet von StudyOfWumbo: 5/4/2015 12:59:01 AM

My life is horrible (Totally true story)

My life is awful. I barely have any friends and the ones that I DO have are completely idiotic and cringeworthy. There's this really poor kid that shouldn't even be able to afford dental work let alone school. Like seriously he looks like a homeless dude. Then there's this kid with no hair, thinks he's a smug little genius. Hates everyone, ignores most people. I'm positive his parents are incredibly racist or at the least hateful towards poor people or those of lesser intelligence because last time I knocked on their door, they tried to shoot me. My teacher is an ass who keeps failing me no matter how hard I work, and my principal doesn't care. My crush hates me and when I tried to date her I learned she's really -blam!-ing crazy and obsessive. So is her friend. I get bullied everyday by this big -blam!-ing guy who looks so white that if wonder bread could speak, it would say DAAAAAYUM. And here's the worst part My parents don't even give a -blam!-. They ignore me every chance they get and spend money they don't need to on stupid shit like cars and shit. So they leave me with this god awful horrible babysitter who does nothing but threaten me all day. I've also begun developing hallucinations as a result of the extreme stress I've been experiencing and now I'm seeing these weird characters who follow me all the seems that I'm just an average kid that no one understands. My mom and dad and sitter are always giving me commands. And those hallucinations are weird fairies too. their names are Wanda, Cosmo, and they fly around granting wishes and shit. Calling themselves fairy god parents or something

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