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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von boyjosha: 3/18/2015 5:30:39 PM

These forums get worse every day.

It's looking [b]real ugly[/b] "I earned this" "you're a scrub" "if you don't have this by now" "if you don't have this you're getting kicked" "if you don't have 3 32's by now""logged 9000 hours and still don't have this" The vile discussions go on... On a more serious note, this really all needs to stop. It's as if the forums get worse ever single day. All I can really say is that if you're that one person, I'm not going to call you names but from here on out just think of how you're contributing to the forums when you make posts like the above. Here is something for a select few people: [i]Destiny is RNG based, hours won't exactly do you good, purchase a rabbit's foot or something like that. Don't boot people because they don't have "this" gun, where all here to have fun, I'm pretty sure no ones getting paid to do raids (without social media) Don't expect everyone to be level 32, some people have jobs, kids, things to do, etc. Lastly, Bungie doesn't owe you anything unless it's the 60$ for the refund of the game you bought. (I'm pretty sure this opportunity is gone)[/i] Thank you
#Destiny #CleanUp

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