Matrix Glitch [0101]

No One Is Left Behind And Our Enemies Shall Perish, We Will Prevail!

Requirements: 1. Willingness To Work As A Team 2. Have A Mic 3. Respect Everyone 4. All Members Are Required To Add The GT: XxDestinyLordxX (Founder/Leader) 5. Must be at least 18 years old. 6. If in the clan and on Destiny when members are doing raids we are expecting you to join them if you're asked cause we're a team and we do not allow people to just claim the rewards without contributing to earning them. 7. We ask that you try to get 5000XP on one character, but it is not required. We aim to have fun and are like a family in this clan so if that works for you message the GT mentioned in #4 of the Requirements.

  • Bestätigung erforderlich

    Bestätigung für Mitgliedschaft erforderlich.
  • 3 Mitglieder

  • Erstellt am September 18, 2014


Clans schalten Charakter-Perks und -Prämien frei, indem sie höhere Level erreichen. Je aktiver der Clan, desto höher das Clan-Level.



0 Clan-Beitrag der Woche

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