ThE h0n0rABLE MENti0nz [THMZ]

We're having Fun - You should Too

We like to do raids, strikes, missions, patrols, dances, etc! We like to compete (do our best at least) in Trials, Iron Banner and all other crucible funs! We like to see how high we can jump on the fan above the Tower Postal Service. Our mentality in Destiny: -fun and challenging, -always be trying to get better and help each other get better, -everyone should feel respected and encouraged to try new things. Its frustrating being the new guy in a group and the people are rude....right?! SO WE STARTED YOUR CLAN! You won't be yelled at in one of our parties, unless it's to congratulate you when you get a drop we're secretly jealous of...

  • Bestätigung erforderlich

    Bestätigung für Mitgliedschaft erforderlich.
  • 1 Mitglied

  • Erstellt am December 02, 2015


Clans schalten Charakter-Perks und -Prämien frei, indem sie höhere Level erreichen. Je aktiver der Clan, desto höher das Clan-Level.



0 Clan-Beitrag der Woche

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