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1/5/2021 4:12:09 AM

Aztecross was right, I do feel ignored

In Aztecross's most recent video, he spoke about how stasis is basically ruining crucible. More and more players are feeling like PvP is unplayable without getting turned into an Ice-Pop and demolished before you have a chance to say "Oh no". Bungie's only answer so far has been... to fix Coldfront with Dragonfly. I'm glad we're on the same page... I can't even enjoy a game of mayhem anymore without being killed by 1 cast of Silence & Squall 3 times. I haven't figured out how to record yet on my pc, but i'm sure we've already all been killed in spawn before even being able to move by this joke of an ultimate more than once. [u]But I'm more of a PvE player, so let's talk about that.[/u] This season along with most others just keep feeling like the same thing, reskinned enemies in PvE and now Sunset weapons... but brought back without even changing the name to grind for... again? Why? I thought permanence was [i]supposed[/i] a big thing in this game? Building my guardian and my personality upon the things I've found, and grind for. I guess not, considering I still have to wait for Transmog to even come out to make my titan look good and keep up with the light level. While on the topic of grinding for things though, I'd like to talk about being able to play more than just one strike constantly because the Strike Playlist is awfully done or coded. For once within the next two weeks, I'd love to load up a strike and not hear the words "HELLO DEAD THING", it's getting very obnoxious. If we're able to simulate The Lighthouse (In Trials), why can't we just simulate strikes? I don't understand why I can still hear Cayde-6 who's been dead for a while now in the "Arm's Dealer" Strike, but I can't destroy some guardians who were turned into void crystals on Titan. I love doing strikes, but i'm tired of doing the SAME ones when I know you just vaulted them for the sake of what? The players storage space? Please, do something about this lack of interaction. I know i'm not the only one becoming more disinterested.



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  • Permanence was a big part of what kept me around in d2 during it's early stages. Until beyond light dropped, I STILL used things like scathelocke or on a joking basis single clap just because they were available and because I genuinely enjoyed those weapons. It didn't take away my desire to farm new gear, but rather brought to light just how insignificantly the game actually changed over the course of YEARS. So as time went on, I found that piece of shit arc logic (as an example), compared to the god gnawing hunger, was not going to be enough to tempt me into actually grinding the reward out. On it's own, it truthfully had no value because their shitty weapon design and infusion allowed me to use whatever I wanted to whenever I wanted to and I could pick and choose what I wanted to or didn't want to grind and wouldn't feel affected at all. I DID, however, grind out an arc logic to play around with because I was curious more than tempted, "it can't be THAT bad", I said to myself. I used it in crucible, sucked. I used it in pve, it sucked. It stat wise was inferior to most year 1 auto rifles and they had to REDUCE an obnoxious, purposely implemented visual effect just so people would stop feeling sick using it. Was this truly infusions fault that nobody cared to use other weapons, when the only data they had at the time was for weapons they made so mid that nobody wanted them? When seasons before they made super powerhouse godlike weapons? When they created guns...they decided to go forward and then way far back, leaving us with weapons that looked great but were overall lackluster so nobody but collectors (I'm one of them) even cared to give them the light of day. I wasn't JUST using older guns because they were stronger, they were also just better weapons in general. More useful element, better recoil, sexier design... What infusion did, was it created an expectation for players that the new set of guns would be better or at least different from what they already have. Some weapons are just so good no matter WHAT they made, it would have likely never been replaced because it was just too far ahead. But bungie's stubbornness to NOT TRY to replace other weapons lead to even greater player disinterest because they DIDN'T try until the final season where it was the last season of infusion. But we are into beyond light and...what has changed? I still use gnawing hunger, I still use dire promise, I still use outrageous fortune (or at least I did), and I still use almost exactly the same exotic weapons. Next season I'll be using [b]shadowprice[/b] (I think that's it's name) or PALINDROME. Shit from almost literally 6 years ago. And they are going to have the same average weapon stats...but with some of the new (meh) perks. So we don't get good new guns, but rather the same weapons we've got from years ago...and they wonder why people don't like sunsetting because NOW there is no excuse to continue pushing out average weapons. This season...had EASILY some of the most average weapons they've ever made. The raid weapons are visually awesome and they feel good...but they are pretty much carried by their raid perks and besides look...aren't anything too special either. BUT, if you want a kinetic slug shotgun or an energy rapid fire scout...guess what...because of sunsetting, those are truly your only options, when before you could be rolling around with a veist scout or a suros slug. We went from having TOO MANY options to TOO LITTLE. What was it...19 weapons in their 40$ expansion that were added...with some of those 19 being the season you have to also buy. With the season that literally took away HUNDREDS of options, while still using the same old guns, from early d2 that STILL to this day shit on the some of the new options? For all this talk of sure never really went anywhere. It took blatant misbalancing for some weapons to stand out and honestly that's just ridiculous. Them getting rid of far, has not shown me any indication that they wish to crank up the power scale now that it retires over time. "Oh the raid weapons...," you mean the weapons that if they were d1 raid weapons...that their raid exclusive perk would have been BUILT INTO THEM? The raid weapons aren't ANYTHING special without their raid perk,(mechanically, not visually) and any one of us could easily do without them. And this raid...with some of the coolest weapon designs they've ever made...barely got 5 weapons, one of which is just a skin for swords that couldn't even get a raid perk of it's own. No auto, no side arm, no fusion rifle, no pulse rifle, no grenade launcher, no linear fusion, no bow and no smg. That was quite disappointing. "It's the first season of sunsetting, give them time," the season PRIOR to this one had better weapons...AND IT DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A DAMN RAID. Most of those fantastic rewards...were engram drops from stuff you could completely manipulate...or I guess mostly. "Oh they said they were gonna hire more people to create weapons," it only took them huge backlash from the lack of weapons to decide in a season of sunsetting to hire new people? Hm, don't know about you...but I'm pretty sure that's something you figure out AHEAD OF TIME. "But the virus," the virus doesn't stop them from considering the right choice of action before something is poorly implemented. Could it have hindered the ability to produce said content or weapons? Yeah of course it COULD have, but I do not think it was the viruses fault. It was them continuing their track record of "miscalculating" what the players want or need. I'm not saying they've gotta give us the good pinnacle weapons level of power for every weapon...but having non gives me no incentive to care. It just makes me compare them like I used to and and sit there uninterested. BUT, if I want to use a 720 rpm auto rifle...I've gotta wait from them to either give me a new one, or use that piece of crap they gave to us on europa...which has some of the most TEDIOUS and boring types of bounties to acquire. "Go do some patrols or kill some enemies, then go do the story missions OVER AND OVER." Ugh...I'm so disappointed. I like stasis as a new subclass and I think the story was quite interesting...but this game needs guns because it's about loot. The game went from FLOODING us with weapons and trickling them to us. I know Activision money and resources are gone...but nothing should be stopping them from hiring more people to make EVERYONE happy. The games potential is once again being squandered by stinginess.



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    • Nah dumbass in charge thinks this is wow and wants the loot to be like wow...use for an expac then bad this isnt fuking wow. Cant get his head out of his own ass long enough to see its 2021....of wait wow is doing well and d2 is on its death bed....tells you why he doesnt work at blizzard and never will. No imagination, no abilities and only wants to make his own wow that will never happen.



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    • Bump



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    • Think for yourself stop being a sheep Y’all are crying about crucible when you should just be practicing lmao Just keep practicing average joe



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      • 由TheArtist編輯: 1/6/2021 5:26:16 PM
        I left a comment in Aztecross' comment section that told him that he got the "Elephant in the Living Room" wrong. The REAL Elephant in the Destiny Living Room is that the marriage between PVE and PVP in this game is a BAD marriage and is not working. What PVP and PVE want from the game's sandbox are incompatible....neither side is willing to we have irreconcilable difference. The longer this goes on without some sort of divorce, the more one or both sides of the game are going to be unhappy. NO one has been able to make a marriage of a loot game with "competitive " PVP work. Its why the vast majority of loot games dont' HAVE PvP...and the few who do they are built around contests of build-strength and not contests of skill. IOW, playing the pvp of a game that is a loot-game....a space-magic game....and a power-fantasy game....and not dying on a regular basis TO that space magic is an unrealistic expectation. People want PvP to be a gun game, when Destiny is-not-and-never-has-been a gun game. This is not Halo...and it never will be. Bungie is eventually going to either have to seperate the sandboxes or do what every other dev winds up doing. Which is picking one side of the game over the other. Bungie appears to have quietly done this....and picked PvE over PvP. I believe that this is part of Smiths "Unification of Vision" for the game. Just one part that hasn't been shared with us. [quote][i]This season along with most others just keep feeling like the same thing, reskinned enemies in PvE and now Sunset weapons... but brought back without even changing the name to grind for... again? Why?[/i][/quote] Simple. WHERE IN THE GAME HAS THIS BEEN DONE? Answer: In the parts of the game that are free-to-play. If you play the parts of the game where you are playing PAID content...that's where you're going to find all the new loot. Why are we playing "reskinned" enemies? BECAUSE WE ARE FIGHTING A WAR....not playing an "adventure". There are only so many different simultaneous "wars" one group of people can fight before any an all "Suspension of Disbelief" gets broken beyond repair. ...and any notion that we are immersed in a believable, though fictional world dies....and the game just becomes an arcade game at that point. There is only so much "newness" Bungie can add to this 7 year old franchise, while still maintaining any sense that this conflict is a struggle between clearly defined groups. That its an actuall WAR. [quote]I thought permanence was supposed a big thing in this game?[/quote] That permanence doesn't extend to loot or the power in the game it repreents. NO loot game can allow that, because it destroys the game. EVERY long-running loot game has to retire power from the game (capping item level like Bungie has done is far-and-away the best way to do it) in some fashion. Otherwise the game destroys itself. Like an engine without an exhaust system. Bungie made this community a promise that it NEVER should have EVER made...and that it had NO relalistic chance of EVER making good on. It was an act of arrogance and ignorance on their part 5 years ago. The problem isn't that they failed to keep it. The problem was that it was ever offered in the first place. Without Sunsetting this game would have NEVER made it another 3 years. IT was already starting to die last year. You just needed to know where to look to see it.



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        • Sorry, what did you say? I wasn’t listening.



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          • Stop mentioning this guy like he's your lord and savior. The game is starting to no longer revolve around streamers as much. Oh the horror! The game is dying! Oh no! Sheeesh.



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            • [i]Time won't heal this damage anymore Don't turn your back on me I won't be ignored[/i]



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            • "We hear you, we just don't care. We know these suckers will still play the game, and we save a fortune on operating costs by doing absolutely nothing. Cheers. Oh, and don't forget to check out the Eververse store, which is the main focus of the game. " -- Bungie



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              • Maybe he’ll also quit😁 And then the rest of the streamers will follow so bungie will stop simping to them and produce decent content



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                • Streamer simps. The only thing more annoying than all the crybabies in this community.



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                • Who is Aztecross? Is he one of those guys I ignore because I don't give a crap what people on video channels think? He's right, he is ignored.



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                  • it's so hypocritical how the community is about streamers. on the daily it's, "streamers r bad ruining game all Bungie does is listen to streamers". then suddenly it's streamer X was right we agree with him and lift him on a pedestal.



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                  • 0
                    Bro stop watching Youtubers Aztec ain’t even that good in PvP. If he and you are not happy or having fun with the game. Check it out.... wait for it... play another game. We don’t need people who are gonna cry every time. I enjoy the game just fine



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                    • On a kinda tangent, I think to record on PC you hold the windows key and G.



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                    • Aztec also made a video 3 hours later on Crimils Dagger soooooo.........



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                      • The amount of Jim’s on this post is wild.



                        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                      • As soon as content creators lose money because people are playing other games that have just been released and the destiny content is usually drying they make these crying videos about how this is ruining destiny or that is ruining pvp so people are leaving, people on here have been saying the same as them but no one listens to them but as soon as a content loses his shit bungie better listen and act. There's people on here who know what's wrong and have reasonable ideas but until the content creators threaten to leave the regular people get ignored,



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                      • Stop playing Disliked and muted



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                        • I like Cross and he seems like a good dude... I like his videos and his attitude and commentary is entertaining for the most part. Streamers engagement with the game and it’s content does not reflect the normative destiny players experience... period. And they can say they realize this all they want to, but all the complaining about how there’s not enough of this or this game mode is neglected or whatever is just noise showing that they don’t get it... IT’S NOT BUNGIE’S JOB TO PROVIDE CONTENT FOR YOUR CHANNEL. It’s been 6 years guys. It’s pretty clear by now that Bungie’s target audience is the hobbiest gamer that wants a couple of hours of shooter looter gameplay a night and maybe a raid on the weekend... that’s it. That’s how much content they are providing and have been providing for the better part of D2’s life (minus curse of Osiris). If you want 6 hours a night of PvP to feel new and fresh after 6 years... I hate to break it to ya but it’s just not gonna happen.



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                          • I feel your pain, cause I feel it too, on building up you character to have all these awesome weapons and armor to choose from (disregard exotics because they're not sunsetted). Bungie has clearly left that ideology behind of making this amazing legend for ourselves and now it's almost pointless to grind for gear and/or weapons. Sad Times.



                            以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                          • Oh wow you mean a 40 year old man baby who streams video games on the interweb like a child said a thing!!!?? Holy shit everybody stop the presses!!!!



                            以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                          • You are completely wrong and you dont know why. YES pvp is sort of broken now. IT IS NOT due to silence and squall or any of the stasis supers. its the stasis grenades alone. yep. not the stasis hunter dodge, or super, NO. ITS ALL THE STASIS GRENADES. supers have always wiped people out in revive. Roaming supers have been the bane of PvP FOREVER. silence and squall has never been that good and YOU CAN EVADE the super!!! plenty of times it doesnt even kill a single soul even when its launched near enemies. its basically a shitier vesion of a slow nova bomb that tracks with its mini mes. yep not even as good as the slow moving nova. but those slow and freeze grenades? Its making people just a little bit salty, as Diaside used to say. hes quit the game now though. becuz grenades.



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                            • All I hear from those clowns is the same thing.. I LOST cause of x weapon/abilities. It's the exact same song and dance they go through as soon as that KD drops. Can't sell streams if you are losing matches or acting like a child. We have literally been playing the exact same PvP since D1.. it's about time Bungie shook things up a bit. Maybe if they didn't take playing a game so seriously they would learn to have fun instead of screaming into the void.



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                              • 由Double07編輯: 1/6/2021 10:26:56 PM
                                Wait... They are going to remove dragon fly from Coldfront?



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                                • [quote]In Aztecross's most recent video, he spoke about how stasis is basically ruining crucible.[/quote] STASIS is basically ruining crucible?. . . I've seen this coming from a million miles away even before Beyond Lite came out and them streamers could not see this coming?. . . They took away your guns and gear and replaced your class abilities with "Dynamic Weather!" I guess that's what everybody "REALLY" wants, right?. . . Let me show you . . . Everytime you use your STASIS ability, you make an OLAF! You cast a STASIS rift, you make an OLAF! You do a STASIS shadestep, you make an OLAF! You throw a STASIS Shuriken, you make an OLAF! You do a STASIS Titan missile melee, you make an OLAF! You throw STASIS grenades, you make an OLAF! You use your STASIS Supers, you make an OLAF! You use any STASIS Subclass abilities or supers, you make an OLAF! Darkness is OLAF! See, that's Dynamic Weather for you! It's Epic, like SuperEPIC, like Meta, like OP! We will sunset your guns. Who needs guns when you have "Dynamic Weather!" Bungie Logic!



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