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originally posted in: Lost sector loot handling is *dumb*
11/26/2023 12:31:59 AM
[quote]I just run 10 master lost sectors, and got a single exotic armor piece from it - one I already have with significantly better starts. This is simply dumb. Whatever thought went into that activity design, it was way off reason. #1 You do not get an exo everytime you clear a (master) lost sector #2 Drop chance isn't increased by doing it flawless or within a certain time #3 You cannot control what you get, decreasing your chance to get what you are looking for #4 If you get what you want, your ghost's stat mod doesn't affect its stats This all sums up to forcing players to sink endless amount of times into running the same activity over and over they have down to the last little bit to just *eventually* get what they want. That is just shameful, shitty game activity design. To fix this: #1 give a guaranteed exo drop for a platinum run #2 Allow the player to chose the reward #3 give higher stat armor for flawless runs #4 Take armor stat mods on the ghost into account Until this is implemented, running master lost sectors will be pretty much pointless and getting useful loot beyond the scope of available time for most players.[/quote] There certainly is something dumb in the quoted text above.

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  • Edited by Shuyahh: 11/26/2023 1:44:35 AM
    The only dumb thing here is your reply, just containing and insult and no counter argument at all, not to speak of an intelligent one. Well, I guess that's your level of existence, not much to do about it: You're probably the classical case of a person that hasn't been breast fed as a baby.

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  • [quote]The only dumb thing here is your reply, just containing and insult and no counter argument at all, not to speak of an intelligent one. Well, I guess that's your level of existence, not much to do about it: You're probably the classical case of a person that hasn't been breast fed as a baby.[/quote] I'm not the one that said something about forcing and in the very same paragraph say you want it. I'm not the one that said it's a waste of time but spend hours on end doing it. I'm not the one that said I've had the same experience yet repeatedly do what I think is a waste of time. There was No insult unlike your childish attempt. My post was a simple observation of your choice of words.

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  • [i]"#1 You do not get an exo everytime you clear a (master) lost sector"[/i] [b]It's about 33%[/b] [i]"#2 Drop chance isn't increased by doing it flawless or within a certain time"[/i] [b]Incorrect... both factors impact you rng; in addition to other variables[/b] [i]"#3 You cannot control what you get, decreasing your chance to get what you are looking for"[/i] [b]Not exactly, but you can stack the odds in your favor if you're aware of certain things. LSs aren't made for focusing one thing unless you haven't unlocked it, but that's only for the 1st drop.[/b] [i]"#4 If you get what you want, your ghost's stat mod doesn't affect its stats"[/i] [b]Also incorrect... in addition using stats mods in accordance with the daily featured exotic is how you increase the chances to get what you want.[/b] What else would you like to know?

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  • Edited by Shuyahh: 11/26/2023 2:21:27 AM
    Sorry, jhermann, but all you are posting contradicts years of experience I am having with this. If the factors you mention have any influence at all, it is minuscule; And, while understand the nature of randomness and lack of meaningfulness of small samples, I cannot confirm any of what you are claiming here. I am probably getting one exotic every 5 flawless platinum master ls runs. The stats are also consistently wildly over the place. My main point of criticism however is that you have no influence on what armor piece exactly you get. So you have a pool of a dozen or more armor pieces, you only get one every 3 (your claim) to 5 (my observation) runs, and on top of that the stats as far as I can tell never resemble anything that would be influenced by an armor stat mod on my ghost. I am farming a lot of high stat armor at various spots in the helm where you can do that, and I know how armor looks that is influenced by such a mod. I could never observe any of that on exotic armor I farmed in an ls, and in some instances I farmed for 12 hours, until I finally gave up. Even with your numbers, the chance of getting the desired exotic armor with acceptable stats is 1:100 or worse. Even for a ls that can be farmed quickly, that would take around 12 hours for a decent, but not superbly good player. That's totally unreasonable and confirms what I posted. Bungie was accused of not respecting their players' time in the past, and this clearly proves the validity of that accusation. I also have to say that Bungie claiming something about their implementation of something is one thing, and their claims being correct an entirely different story. Edit: I farmed for 5 hours and got 6 exotic armor pieces, none of which I was looking for, many useless out-of-meta crap. I had a turn around time of about 9 minutes per run (7 - 8 minutes per run plus entering and leaving the activity). That makes roughly 6 runs per hour. So I got ony shitty armor piece per 6 ls clears. And this wasn't the first time I achieved such numbers. Farming lost sectors is a waste of time, period, and the reason is the awful design of this activity. I give up on this, and I will never try it again. If you have gotten a crappy exotic armor piece, you better hope for some random drop earned from doing playlists and until then are more less stuck with it. I also do not care at all about being able to farm world pool guns in lost sectors next season. Most of them aren't worth it in my opinion, and I also have a vault full of crafted guns. I understand that I may be an exception here, but that doesn't make it better for players with less time to invest in this game. Well, it's thankfully just a game.

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  • Edited by jhermannITJ: 11/26/2023 2:19:40 AM
    Well I track it... I've done thousands of LSs including both Legend and Master difficulty. 20% on Legend for platinum runs, in time, where you kill everything before you open the chest. 33% on Master. Each exotic has a stat priority usually intrinsic to its functionality. Each day, in addition to slot... each class has a hidden featured exotic. By using ghost stat mods you can EITHER focus for stat benefits OR for stat priority pools of exotics. That's how it works.

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  • See, the problem with randomness is that you need huge numbers to achieve results that are close to the calculated average. I have done LS runs in the low hundreds at most, and my results differ from yours. You also do not seem to understand the simple fact that 33% chance for one of let's say 12 armor pieces means the one you want every 36 runs. With an average turn around time of let's say 10 minutes (we're talking decent, but not superb players) that's "the one" every 6 hours; And it can (and probably will) not even remotely have the stats you are looking for. If you cannot see how totally unreasonable that is, I cannot help you.

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  • Edited by jhermannITJ: 11/26/2023 3:04:38 AM
    I'm not saying it isn't obtuse. And desync or "progress lag" is a factor. Sweats has done videos on the methods I've outlined. Could there be variables I'm missing, absolutely... but my margin of error is calculated at 5%... it's 4.7% but I'm rounding up. We know platinum (in time) matters because Bungie has confirmed it, it is also consistent with the rewards structure of other activities. De-sync. I'm not excusing it... but if you know what to look for, you can minimize it. 1. If you xp bar is lagging... everyone has experienced this, you load into the tower and you xp bar is popping up . 2. If you're only getting glimmer from the chest. 3. If you're not seeing engrams drop (on occasion) from yellows/champs in the LS. To mitigate Desync, let the mission timer expire after you grab the chest to results screen then exit to the flag. To fix it, log out... exit the game, relaunch and log back in. To minimize it, regularly clear your systems cache... memory leak when your cache is full can cause densyc. You know where you always see it, the 2nd flag of Defend Wellspring... that's progress lag. And Bungie couldn't fix it... that's why they added the glaive pattern unlocks to the investigation board (after your first drop). But, I digress. I promise if you follow the methods I outlined, you'll have much better results.

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  • Edited by Shuyahh: 11/27/2023 3:50:06 PM
    jhermann, first of all, neither is my internet connection laggy (250 mbit/s VDSL), nor am I using a slow computer (it is actually pretty dang fast). Also, if you experience lag while e.g. being in the tower, this can be caused by other players, since all players in the tower are connected to each other (peer to peer networking), and the slowest connection affects sync'ing of all players due to Bungo's horribly basic and lackluster implementation of P2P networking (side note: I have been coding P2P networking myself in the past, so I know what I am talking about). Regarding exo armor stats from master LS drops: I've done some further testing on this. First of all, stat mods on ghosts do not seem to affect exotics dropped in master lost sectors at all. I am running a discipline mod, and I just got a chest armor with max discipline and intellect and a value of 2 for all other stats. Regarding your other claims: My son confirms that at least for us, exos only drop around every 5th master lost sector clear (flawless platinum). I highly doubt that there are any other factors affecting drop rate or stats of exotic armor dropped in such lost sectors, unless you can clearly prove such a correlation with statistical data. Bottom line: The only thing that may affect exo drop rate is doing a flawless platinum time within the time limit of the particular ls. Nonetheless, what I posted above still holds true: Even with the numbers you claim, a decent, but not spectacular players needs to farm around 6h just to get what he is looking for at all, and then there is no guarantee its stats are even close to what he is looking for. It being true that there is a hidden preferred exotic for lost sectors would make things even worse. First of all, you don't even know what that is, and second, if it's not what you want, it further lowers your chances to get what you want. That is *complete and utter bullshit* and a total disrespect for the time and effort players are putting into such an activity. It also shows how little thought and polish Bungie is putting in their game, how failed their design philosophy for such activities is, and how little they obviously play their game themselves. Edit: I farmed today's ls for Titan chest armor. Despite my discipline armorer ghost mod, one of the armor pieces had an emphasis on its discipline stat *at all*. So far, I doubt anything of what you claimed holds true, except maybe the general exo armor drop rate for timely, flawless, platinum master ls clears. Completion time has no influence, at least as long as you stay below the time threshold of darkness encroaching, being flawless has no influence either. On the other side, being fast, flawless and going platinum doesn't affect your rewards aside of getting exos either: You don't get more enhancement prisms, legendary drops or vendor engrams. Believing Bungie would put sophisticated algorithms in their game imo is wishful thinking. The past has shown often enough that you can be happy when even just the vanilla stuff they implemented works properly.

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  • Edited by jhermannITJ: 11/27/2023 5:49:22 PM
    "That is *complete and utter bull***** and a total disrespect for the time and effort players are putting into such an activity. It also shows how little thought and polish Bungie is putting in their game, how failed their design philosophy for such activities is, and how little they obviously play their game themselves". This informs this: "Nonetheless, what I posted above still holds true..." It doesn't, it doesn't hold true. My analysis and conclusions are based on survey data over years from the thousands I've done, and data collected from peers. Every season I grind LSs, I do it in the beginning and at the end... at least. I unlock all the seasonal crafting patterns by farming seasonal engrams. At the end I stack exotics for the next season. This season I farmed 9 across 3 characters with lazy 5-7min clears on Legend. I did that in about 3-4 hrs total... that's better than 20% or 1in 5 btw. However, my data isn't biased by this one experience... the more data you collect the lower the margin of error is. You can also stack mats... cores, prisms, and ascendant shards (by up converting) AND on Master, if you got chops, you can grind out mats faster than 20 min GM clears (minus dbl loot weeks)... I tested this too. It's also a great place for world drops... yup, and now they're further developing that idea to include drops with extra perk slots. They're expanding engram viability by adding Banshee vendor engrams for direct focusing. Now, let's get in the weeds about ghost mods and how they're utilized in LSs. Everyday there is an unlisted featured exotic for each class... the reason they don't tell us, btw... is that they probably are afraid of stressing servers on whenever a new or desirable meta exotic is featured. Negatively impacting the entire game... That daily featured exotic has a stat priority usually connected to its functionality. So, for example... let's use Fallen Star on Titan... that's intellect. If that's the daily... guess how you focus it? You slot intellect. What if you don't want that? Let's say I want Synthos (Strength). What mod do you think you would slot? Strength. Nothing is guaranteed... but this how you manipulate the drop cadences. The only exotic where you can directly focus stats is the daily featured. So again... if I wanted Fallen Star with high strength... what would you slot? Strength. Now, your 2 tiers back from max rng efficacy and those are factors you need to consider... because the drop rate will be worst than slottin' Int or no mod. However, you will get some Str dominant drops of Fallen Star... in addition to stat category pools of exotics. Str for Melee exotics... ect. Tldr or easy mode... if you're looking for one particular exotic (that isn't the daily) you slot for its stat priority. Also, if you slot say discipline, you're going to get less Synthos to drop. As I explained previously, ghost stat mods work a little differently in LSs for drops. You can either focus stats for the daily featured with reduced rng by 2 tiers for those drops OR focus stat priority pools of exotics. What that means is that LSs aren't made for grinding out 1 specific thing with optimal stat distribution. That's why we have Rahool's system now. And the best time to grind for one exotic... is when its stat priority matches the daily... or IT IS the daily. That's how it works. And, in fact, if you slot a ghost mod that doesn't match the stat priority for the exotic you want... you're hurting your drop chances. Again, I'm not saying it isn't obtuse... but this is how it works. Both Sweats and Cammy have used these methods and made vids about it. LSs are GREAT loot grinds... BUT NOT just for one SINGLE thing. Them's the facts. If you want to focus, use Rahool... if it's a brand new one, wait a season, then focus. Your frustrations and mischaracterizations are based off emotions... you're looking for one thing with the stat distribution you want. That's not what LSs are for. It took me 2 yrs... to get my 70 Dragon's Shadow with the split I wanted. I have notoriously terrible rng most of the time. I still think, based on the survey testing & data since LSs have existed as a dedicated looter zone, that LSs are one of the best resources for players... and you don't need a squad. The rng is 20/33 now... but it used to be much worse. They're the best they've ever been... better starting next season. Now Desync... I have perfect internet and I deal with it regularly. Progress lag can be related to more common issues of Network chugging. That's why I gave the example of Wellspring. There is a debug, Densync in very rudimentary terms... is when the loot script is lagging... not you directly, the system that determines loot drops upon completion. That's why to mitigate it, you wait. In Wellspring... sometimes it can take 90secs +, but you'll eventually be able to place the flag after the 1st encounter for Defend Wellspring. That's not your internet, that's the game. Likewise, that's why you always let the mission timer expire to the results screen for LSs. To mitigate DeSync/Progress lag. You need not invest 6 hrs to get good loot from LSs, but if you expect to farm for an individual godroll exotic with the exact distribution you want... you're going to have a bad time. You have unreasonable expectations... and your judgement is compromised by your emotional frustrations. That's brass tax. Follow the methods I've outlined, watch for desync, moderate your expectations and LSs are great loot zones... especially for solo players. LSs are also great tutorial zones... solo there is no hiding your deficits... and if your kit works in a Master LS solo with attrition... chances are it will be effective most places (speaking to PvE modes). I use LSs to practice, test, & grind loot. That's why I've done thousands of these things. They're great. Objectively great respective reasonable expectations... terrible if you're trying for ONE THING (besides the 1st unlock of any given exotic). If I were you, I'd be stacking exotic engrams on your character... for Tuesdays reset, THEN the most recent exotics will be added to Rahool. And... OR stack 10 engrams of any type, then... stack them in your post, pull them on the day the slot you want is featured. I'm not saying this "inside baseball" stuff isn't obtuse... I'm saying if you want better results... there's methods that work.

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  • Edited by Shuyahh: 11/27/2023 7:45:59 PM
    So much text, and you still haven't gotten my simple point. You basically say that I am mistaking LS for something they are not, and that it took you two years of LS farming to get the Dragon's Shadow with the stat split you wanted. This proves that you haven't gotten my point and are exactly confirming it at the same time: LS farming does not currently produce the results it should. Now I said from the beginning that its design is flawed. This is based on the fact that the main purpose they are presented with is getting exotic armor. That's how they are "sold" to the public. Now an exotic armor piece is not great just b/c it's exotic: It's great when it fits into the overall build it is intended for, allowing a high stat build. And that is exactly what LS farming doesn't really offer, at least not with a reasonable amount of time. All the other stuff you can get there is decorative accessory. Even with your data, getting a specific piece of exotic armor takes around 6 hours on average. Contrary to what you say, armor stat mods on ghosts do not (significantly) influence stat selection. I have been farming exo chests the better part of the day, and none of them showed an emphasis on discipline (my ghost mod), and many even had very low numbers exactly there. That means that you may need to grind a multiple of that time to get the desired armor piece with acceptable stats. [b]So, what I am saying since my first post is that legend/master LS loot defies the main purpose most people would want to farm LS for.[/b] That's my basic conclusion, and your entire wall of text all your numbers hullaballoo doesn't change that the slightest bit, and that's what you don't seem to get. You are looking at all your numbers and do not get the big picture from them. Also, please don't come with that "you're just emotional" bollox. I really cannot stand such allegations. You don't know me, you haven't talked to me, all you see is text; And I bet your magic crystal ball doesn't work any better than mine (not at all). One comment about your claimed stat focus on any given exo ls drop: There is no point of slotting a stat mod where the armor is already coming with a high stat value. I want certain weaker stats to be improved, because with your experience I guess you understand that for a Titan I want 100-100-100 res/rec/dis and then either int or str. So I will slot discipline, hoping that I will also get high res and dis with a bit of luck, just as it works e.g. at the war table in the H.E.L.M. What you are saying here doesn't make sense. You should have understood from my previous posts that I know very well how to use armor stat mods on my ghost, instead of writing pointless explanations. Farming exotic LS engrams and turning them in when the desired armor type is the daily one just means spending more time on farming LS. This again is exactly what I am saying: You need to invest an excessive amount of time to just have a chance to eventually get what you are looking for. Regarding your "experience": I farm engrams to focus high stat armor. I am easily making 1,5K legendary shards per week from the engrams I farm and dismantle. I have all crafting patterns unlocked and almost every craftable gun built, brought to level 20 and double masterworked; And yes, I did that for most of these guns before you could simply upgrade spending glimmer and enhancement cores, sitting on the bridge CP in the 10th moon story mission for hours or at Shuro Chi, shooting ads. I sold my first Destiny account 1.5 years ago, after my son told me that I am among the top 400 players world wide regarding time spent playing Destiny, and I figured I had to change something (I ended up playing his account ... go figure). I have over 1K raid clears in D2 among others (legit ones, I am not the kind of player who only raids, and does that 10 - 20 times a day). So my game experience ePeen is probably at least as long as yours. I have to say that I also don't care much about your claims unless you present your numbers and e.g. graphs clearly showing the correlation of the parameters you claim influence ls drops and the drops and their stats. Which I guess you can't. I assume you don't have a nice big Excel sheet containing all the data, allowing you to plot nice graphs proving you correct. So, while everybody can easily make the experience I am making with master LS farming, very few players will be able to witness what you are claiming here. Let me conclude that focusing exotic armor (which I ofc also tried - you may be surprised) also usually doesn't yield the desired results, which makes the already excessively high price for doing so even more excessive.

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  • Edited by jhermannITJ: 11/27/2023 9:42:27 PM
    You have unreasonable expectations. I've said everything I needed to say. It was less for you and more for people interested in how these systems work and how to get the most out of them. Have fun being bitter. LSs are great, you totally misunderstood what LSs are for. It took 2 years to get near perfect DS because I wanted it to be near perfect. I knew you would focus on that point in effort to bolster yours... the reason it took years was because my bar... my expectation for what I wanted was unrealistic in a short time frame. That's where you're at. You're never going to be happy. And trip 100s is a vanity pursuit... I don't think you do any testing at all... now. Because a real min-maxer and tester would be trying to kit for maximum uptime... not generic tuber hype. Have fun. I don't share my data...

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