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10/12/2015 10:36:24 PM

Petition to Hide/Unhide Name in Tower

I propose that Destiny players get the option to hide/unhide their names from view when in the TOWER ONLY. This would allow everybody to play hide&seek when in the tower. EXAMPLE: have 1 guardian stare out onto the Traveler or some corner, while the others remove their names from view and go hide. Obviously, the seeker needs to have integrity and not look back when playing this game, or you won't have fun. Wait til 30 seconds to a minutes and go to searching. For those of you asking, "How will we choose the seeker?" Simple, whoever has the lowest light/level, lowest score in a crucible match, lowest K/D, etc., not that hard to choose somebody. For those of you saying, "There aren't that many spots to hide." Well, I've always thought Destiny players had some imagination to find some stellar spots throughout the game, so get to searching. I really, REALLY hope Bungie can see this and it eventually comes out in an update, because that would be amazing. Thanks for reading. Tl;dr: HIDE AND SEEK FOR TOWER PROPOSED

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