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Изменено (Ohh Its Char): 2/29/2024 5:32:55 PM

Game takes forever to load. When it does, dlcs are "sometimes" missing

I'm on the Xbox Series X and own all of the dlcs. For the past week or so, the game takes forever to connect and verify content. When I do eventually load, occasionally I will be missing some of the dlc. For example, in one instance I'll finally load in and the Witch Queen and 30th Anniversary pack will be missing. But in another instance of loading in I'll be missing Lightfall and Beyond Light, but I'll have access to Witch Queen and 30th Anniversary again. I've already tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling. Did not work. I believe it's not a console issue either because Destiny 2 is the only game that is being affected with the load time/inconsistently missing dlcs issue. Anyone facing a similar issue and/or have a solution?

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