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2/27/2024 6:45:30 PM

BattlEye Plum, timed out, kicked back to the main menu, no help, no idea what to do next

I reinstalled Destiny. I have no application running in the background except for Steam, Discord, and Kaspersky. My PC and GPU are up to date. I have no other anti cheat software installed. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Destiny 2. I have manually uninstalled and reinstalled BattlEye. I have verified the integrity of my files. I have debloated my PC. I have removed Java. I have removed all applications related to Overwolf. And I have probably done a few more things, just check my other two threads at this point. I haven't received a response from anybody. I have received no help. I have been very transparent in my posts. I must assume you don't even know what's going on. And I am not the only one affected. It would be nice for the "plum" situation to be addressed in the near future. I seriously don't know what else to do. I know, I am not the problem. Sometimes, I can play for hours without end, other times, I get booted. I am done. I hope to receive help ASAP. Thank you.
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