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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (ShadeofArcana): 5/29/2023 5:10:38 AM

What is on your Destiny lore wish list?

What's on your Destiny lore wish list? Destiny is host to vast swathes of lore, characters, and stories, and some areas recieve more attention than others. So if there was a single area of Destiny's lore that could or should have a moment in the spotlight, what would it be? Go wild. (Obviously there's the immediate stuff; the Veil, the Witness, the Black Fleet, etc... hopefully answers for these are coming soon.) I'll go first: At the top of my lore related wish list would be the Destiny Universe equivalent of a Bestiary. Either as an in-game lorebook, in which new entries are unlocked by slaying the associated creature, or as a physical Grimoire Anthology that goes over all the major enemies and creatures that call the Destiny universe home. Heck both would be nice. Next thing would be lore regarding the Maraid/Reef Wars lore from D1. Most D2 New Lights have no idea what the Reef Wars were or why they were important. Just reading through the synopsis of the Maraid shows how epic a conflict the Reef Wars was. Having a formal written lorebook for it would do a lot for adding to the lore of Reef and the Reef Awoken who live beyond the Dreaming City. After that, I would love to see more Destiny comics. I don't know about everyone else, but I really enjoyed the comics on Ana Bray and Cayde-6. The Cayde's Six comic did a lot to help give some background context for Forsaken expansion. More stories like that are always be welcome, from my perspective. Comics that tell the story of characters we don't normally see, or who exist only in the lore. Characters like Shayura, Reed-7, Aisha, Sjur Eido, Lord Felwinter, Lady Efrideet, Sister Faora, Shin Malphur, Dredgen Yor, Lysander, etc... So what's on your lore related wish list? Let's discuss, o reader mine.

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    Guardian,Archon Of Light
    Guardian,Archon Of Light

    Thank You Cayde, I will never forget!!! - старое

    Bungie is making stuff up on the fly and retconning long time established lore at the current narrative teams convenience Wait till you see the leaked cutscene about the Traveler and Witnesses origion , oh boy With that said, I would like it if Eliksni lore was has fleshed out has the Hives is, want to know more about Riis before there collapse, the lore introduced in Plunder was a great start, has it filled in the gaps between the whirlwind and there arrival in sol , but I would welcome anymore Also would like to see Shaxx finally fleshed out has a character, he is a warlord and Saladin still doesn't trust him, there is a story there , although Warlords did some atrocious things so there may be some things that makes us look at him differently Also would like to hear more about the crazy stuff the drifter has seen, and done , he seems very old, like one of the first Risen old, so he probably has millions of stories to tell

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