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5/30/2023 11:26:05 AM
Bungie is making stuff up on the fly and retconning long time established lore at the current narrative teams convenience Wait till you see the leaked cutscene about the Traveler and Witnesses origion , oh boy With that said, I would like it if Eliksni lore was has fleshed out has the Hives is, want to know more about Riis before there collapse, the lore introduced in Plunder was a great start, has it filled in the gaps between the whirlwind and there arrival in sol , but I would welcome anymore Also would like to see Shaxx finally fleshed out has a character, he is a warlord and Saladin still doesn't trust him, there is a story there , although Warlords did some atrocious things so there may be some things that makes us look at him differently Also would like to hear more about the crazy stuff the drifter has seen, and done , he seems very old, like one of the first Risen old, so he probably has millions of stories to tell

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  • I saw the leaked cutscene regarding the Witness's origins, and I am still taking it with a grain of salt all things considered. Without saying to much, I am fine with it. I think it's the only move the writers could've made with the Witness because the alternatives would've been wildly out there to truly make work. I do agree I want more Shaxx lore, I wish Shaxx got lorebook explaining how he went from ruthless warlord to master of crucible. Even just lore tabs about him attached to Crucible weapons and armor or being able to Ghost scan the trophies that surround him would be nice. Shaxx's trophies especially definitely have some stories to tell I reckon, *cough the Ahamkara skull especially. Regarding retcons they're inevitable to some degree, especially with how old this game is and the amount of lore Destiny has. Howevwr at a certain point I believe it's better to stop expanding the worldbuilding outward and start expanding upwards by building upon what already exists. Finishing abandoned plot threads would be a start in the right direction. Problem is the narrative writers are kinda stuck finishing someone else's story, Destiny has gone through many a writer betweem now and its initial launch. I have hope once the Darkness and Light saga is over the narrative writer will have the freedom to tell stories of their own, instead of finishing someone else's. Forsaken had it flaws, but it expanded beautifully on the story and lore of the Awoken, and to a small degree the Ahamkara. Beyond Light while also very flawed gave us tons of lore on the Exos. I personally would love to see more dlcs like that, that make a singular area or aspect of the lore it's primary focus. I would love a whole expansion that stitches and connects all the lore surrounding the Elliksni or Cabal, in which we might get to experience explore what's left of Riis or Torobatl. I'd love an expansion where we learn about or combat Lysander and his Concordant and what they've been up to in addition to the other factions (Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult) now that they've left the Last City. Could you imagine an expansion futuring the Awoken of the Distributary or diving deeper into Clovis and the Exos? There are so many possibilities, the problem is they don't fit into the current narrative, which is why I think they're wrapping it up in the Final Shape. The Light and Darkness saga has to end before any truly new stories can be told.

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  • I would love some more Drifter lore! His lore is always good and interesting. And the lore that I have reread the most would possibly be Home. I love how when reading his lore you can find hidden details and information about Drifter that shows that he really is a good person, even though he seemed like he was trying to hide it for so long. Which that also shows something about Drifter, he tried to hide that he was actually a nice person, most likely because of all the terrible things he'd gone through. I bet people in the Dark Ages would call kind people weak and treat them like they were lesser because they were actually decent unlike everyone else. I 100% agree, we need more Drifter lore about all the crazy things he's gone through.

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