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2/19/2018 7:02:37 PM

Why they won't put metal detectors in schools.

Forget banning guns. Why not just put metal detectors in every school? Airports have them. Banks and many state buildings have them. Why not schools? I think it hasn't been done yet because America isn't ready to face reality. Schools are meant to be a safe learning environment. And adding metal detectors, x-ray machines for backpacks, and guards with wands who pat you down will force people to be confronted with the truth. And the truth is...our schools are not immune to crazy people. Currently, it is easier to get a gun into a school than a theme park or a football stadium. There are even churches that have armed security. But not at schools. Because we want to maintain the ILLUSION that schools are safe. That's what's really going on here. Metal detectors would shut this shit down immediately. Make every school exactly like an airport, where you check your backpack every day, and get wanded by TSA if you trigger the detector. Screw convenience. Screw the budget. Screw your child's sense of safety. If this is what it takes, then this is what it takes. Because we all know that criminals will continue to be criminals. At least this way they'll have to shoot up the school with a plastic knife, and not an AK-47.

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