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9/26/2017 9:36:56 AM
I agree with all of these videos having watched them all recently but I still enjoy the game and I haven't pulverized my way through the content and hit 300 yet, I'm barely 280 on one character and trundling along. Its fun. Bungie need to fix a LOT of things before this game is a GOOD game though. D1 needed to be changed but I didn't think they would remove so many of D1's features that made this franchise what it was... because while I like how it feels to shoot a gun in a Bungie universe, I don't like a lot of the silly rubbish that the lazy Bungie guys have decided is the way to go. Not gonna list it... y'all know what it is. The toxic hate on these forums is annoying. People who like it like it and people who don't don't. Leave it at that lol... arguing for what even?

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