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Изменено (J Stevensontown): 9/26/2017 2:01:23 PM

Glad I'm not the only one who feels these ways. Delusional fanboys, come defend...

Edit - Destiny is a modern day Smash TV, except it's a child's game. - These videos say it better & more clearly than I do.. Whether it's the lack of variety, inexperience, laziness, or straight up not caring. Edit - removing light from ghosts, but then adding it to mods, which were a big failure imo... Bugs & glitches Plethora of error codes Lack of variety Xur still trash Kill zones bordering public events Pve being a boring chore.. Same trials map & game mode two weeks straight Etc... If you haven't watched, you really should. Skill Ups vid (the best & most accurate) - Datto - Darkside Royalty - Bdobbins - Angry Joe (who's vid is amazing, & he's way too nice. Guess he wants back in Bungie good graces) -

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  • Even the campaign is designed for children. While I do understand that a)millennials and b)communities that don't speak English as their primary language, form a large demographic of your user base - the campaign story is: Flat Linear Monotonous Predictable Too Easy Uninspiring Child-like Insulting Patronising Dumb name a few. It's numbs my mind to see such a low quality level of writing when the world of content, gaming and cinema has reached such heights of complex, layered and beautiful story telling. The sheer low intelligence threshold required to appreciate the story is a slap on the face of your 16+ gamer base. However the more complex portions of PVE like raid and nightfalls; and PVP like Trials; are definitely not child's play - so let me ask you this Bungie: WHO exactly are you trying to please here ? What's your target audience? Everyone? Seems like the basics of content structuring, composition and targeting have been forgotten in the billion dollar alleyways of this games production. The D2 campaign now exists alongside giants like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls and yes, even Halo 3. The contrast in quality is so stark - much of the community seems to have been blinded by it. I'll conclude my feedback with a list of inclusions that felt like an insult to consume as a gamer who hoped your campaign was something more than soluble baby food meant for mass consumption only: 1. The ugly, oversized mole rat guy that looks evil is the bad guy. 2. Cheesy one liners from boring characters and cliché bad guy lines like "old friend" and "we are not so different, you and I" 3. A plagiarised GLAD0S on Nessus (I still remember Portal, a game I played years ago, more clearly than the D2 campaign I finished weeks ago. 4. Not caring about the physics of how did our guardian survive a fall from the upper stratosphere 5. Giving us our light back so EASILY after a stroll in the park and some shooting. 6. Not giving the light back to other guardians or explaining why 7. Not giving a voice to my guardian. Did not even bother with facial expressions. Older games like Injustice are way more sophisticated. 8. Not allowing me to fly my spaceship. Seriously - what's the point of it apart from being a lousy digital action figure ? Who's taking these design and experience decisions at Bungie ? A three year old? "I think we should have spaceships, that go wooosh! every time you have to go somewhere. Nope, they don't shoot or have control. Just WHOOOOOSH!" ...don't you have the left over code and concept from Halo Reach? Why go backwards? Why not evolve ? 9. Not paying attention to the common sense of the player. If the Shard's just behind Hawthorne, why does our spaceship go into outer space again? ...oh yeah...everything has to go WOOOSSHHHH! 10. No backstory on the Traveler. Mystery is cool, but an excess of it makes you look like a fool or a liar. 11. The tank mission is a rail shooter, without the need to shoot. So it's basically a low output cutscene you steer. RIP innovation. 13. Why does Hawthorne not object to Zavala calling her a guardian? 14. How did I just land on the Almighty, an interplanetary star eater? Cruise ships on earth have better security than that. 15. The enemy races have no introduction and have hardly any AI or difficulty differences. Please limit your use of Ctrl+C / Ctr+V during development. Despite the budgets, you chose to recycle instead of innovate. Though I have around 90 or so points, I'll hold them for later. Why share when Bungie is notorious for being as deaf to its people as a seasoned Dictator. I'd love to know what the budget for this game was exactly spent on. Hate is welcome, as this game intuitively evokes this emotion more than any other. I'm going to go sip on some tea now. Toodles.

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    17 отв.
    • Upvote this until it's trending. Destiny 2 just isn't as fun as Destiny 1, especially crucible.

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    • Batmandobbins = fake AngryJoe = fake Neither of these guys have played the raid or even nightfall. They're cherry picking the negatives because their brand is built in hating Destiny. Datto = Respectable Skill Up = Respectable These guys know what they're saying. But they also are neutral to the good and bad elements. They still both come to the same conclusion. The game was built to be fun for casual players but If you're a hardcore that loves Destiny, you will still play. The game is not perfect but no game is. You're just being an idiot as usual. If you don't like it, leave. No "fanboys" are defending it to make you stay, and none of these videos will make anyone who enjoys the game suddenly not enjoy it. You, just like bdobbins and angryjoe just part of a circlejerk of haters. You can't stand that people like something you hate, so you try to do everything you can to bring them down to your miserable level. It's honestly pathetic that you can't move on. Is your life that shitty that this forum is all you have?

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      21 отв.
      • Изменено (Soul_Eater_42): 9/27/2017 8:33:38 PM
        I don't even need to watch the videos to see all the issues, I'm playing the game. So many things wrong with this game, it's hard to even find a starting point. The weapon and armor mods: Why aren't there any Kinetic Mods to turn Energy Weapons into Kinetic? Why can't you use Elemental Mods to turn the Kinetic weapons into Energy Weapons? Why aren't there additional slots and mods for things like changing/adding sights/barrel upgrades? What about mods for changing the rate of fire/Frames? Mods for changing or enhancing perks, like "larger explosion from Dragonfly"? Why aren't there mods for Super Cooldowns? Mods for grenade throw distance and melee speed? Vendors: Why are we no longer able to purchase Legendary Weapons and Armor for legendary currency? Why can't we repurchase the class-specific swords if someone dismantles or infuses it? Strikes: What happened to Heroic Strikes? What happened to Strike-specific gear? Crucible: What happened to game modes like Rift? Where did the Private matches go? Why can't we choose the mode we want to play instead of this random playlist? It's frustrating to get Supremacy 3 times in a row. Out of all the game modes currently in the game, it's the most annoyingly one-sided stomp fest. Faction Rally: Why are all the weapons and armor just reskins of the gear you can already get in-game? Why not create unique armor and weapon sets for them? Quests, Adventures, and Lost Sectors: Why not create unique armor and weapons that can be obtained from them? Why can't any of the Adventures be missions where you escort or fight alongside the NPCs? Maybe class-specific Adventures and Quests where you can obtain certain weapons and armor (or a variation) from those NPCs, like Hawthorne's poncho as a Hunter cloak, and her sniper, or Ikora's chest armor and Warlock Bond? Maybe Vex gauntlets and leg armor from Asher Mir? Why can't the Lost Sector chests contain enemy-themed armor and weapons? Vex- and Taken-themed armor and weapons on IO, Fallen and Cabal on Earth in the EDZ, Hive on Titan, etc. Weapons: Fixed rolls, but the variety of weapons is lacking. There seems to even be a disproportionate amount of Energy and Kinetic weapons. You could have even just made one perk static on each weapon, and the rest of the perks, random. What really bothers me is the lack of variety in sword types. Why are all, but the 2 class specific swords for the Titan and Hunter Adaptive Frame. Why not more one-handed Lightweight Swords, or 2-handed Aggressive Frame swords? And why the hell don't the class-specific swords have, you know, class-specific perks? What's the point in them being locked to a specific class when their perks are the same as other swords? Shaders and Transmat Effects: Why not allow us to buy the shaders from the vendors, or a kiosk, after we've obtained/discovered them? Or just use the old Shader system, but allow us to choose which armor pieces we want to use each shader on. Additionally, why can we put shaders on everything but swords? Did you forget to include that during development? As for the Transmat Effects, is that all we can get? Are there gonna be more later on? You could have made some Faction ones for DO, NM, and FWC. Maybe ones with the Warlock, Hunter, and Titan symbols. Maybe for October, if you're still doing the Halloween events, we could have some of the old spawn effects from Destiny 1 as Transmat Effects for our ships, like the Flight of Shadows. Same for the Christmas one. For that you could have an ice or snow/snowflake Transmat Effect. On a smaller note, why can't we preview the Transmat Effects before applying/using them? Seems like something that should have been added in from the start. There are other issues, but I think I'll just leave it at this for now. Honestly, this game feels kinda hollow compared to Destiny 1. I don't buy that "But this is how Destiny 1 was in the beginning" excuse. That is no excuse for throwing away and replacing the improvements that were made in Destiny 1. Destiny 2 is supposed to be a sequel, not a remake. It should build on the previous game, not replace it. Almost forgot this one, but: The constant game-crashing on PS4: When is that gonna be fixed?

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      • Изменено (IEve_Of_The_EndI): 9/27/2017 4:46:43 PM
        (Part 1 of 2) Firstly, Destiny's initial launch years ago had an explosion of problems, misconceptions, and it was full of false promises.. And one of those problems was the lackluster Character Creator.. So.. Here we are three years later, and Destiny 2 arrives and it's not plagued by legacy limitations.. And so the Development Team does what about it in that amount of time.. Absolutely Nothing.. So the first thing we see is a Rinse and Repeat version of the Character Creator that many of us were not happy with. Now you would think they would've used the constructive criticism years ago and developed a substantial design for the Character Creator with ample features and color options. Not to mention having the ability and power to give us facial features, more spacey hair designs and or custom markings to give us players a truly unique guardian we could call our own.. But instead we see the truly lazy at work.. Bypassing this first and important feature once more.. Great Job. Does it get worse I ask myself.. And to answer that question.. It's an overwhelming and disappointing yes.. It's far worse than Destiny. And I honestly didn't think that could happen.. [b][u]The Story[/u][/b] - Despite it being a step up from the original, it indeed is tasteless and extremely boring. The added in vehicular mission was a fresh remembrance of my days on Halo.. But it was very short-lived and left me wanting a starship battle mission as well. The hyped-up cinematic story they boasted on about isn't very engaging nor is it epic. And worst of all, Story Progression was locked behind placeholders once more. Now I get it, you want us to play the game on one planet at a time to get used to the elements and see what you created. But I'm frankly tired of being put on a leash and told where I can and can't go after the long drawn out tutorial you put me through. If I don't wanna play the story immediately I shouldn't be forced to do so to unlock activities that I would rather be playing to build up my Light Level.. Whoops I forgot (Power) level.. Would it be more work, maybe but guess what.. It's called Freedom and a game that is supposed to be modeled around a Mmo/Looter Shooter shouldn't have Soft-Barriers and Time-Walls around every damn corner. The fact still remains, you want us to play according to how you want it. You dangle Freedom and Choice like it's a Juicy Grape but instead I get fed a Dried Out Raisin. This kind of game development is outdated and it's not how you keep a playerbase happy and engaged in your product. I was hoping that would change but I guess I was wrong. You still haven't learned from us and we haven't learned from you apparently. Anyways.. Moving forward, after trucking through the story. I was literally left braindead as if my braincells where just sucked out of my skull.. Just my thoughts... [b][u]Strikes[/u][/b] - Now, from my experience in Destiny, Strikes where unlocked during the course of your Story Progression. I'm just curious to know why this wasn't improved in Destiny 2. I mean with the combination of a good cinematic scene and a well written storyline. Strikes could've actually introduced in-game Character/World Grimoire.. and offered a rewarding experience and to set in motion a chain of events throughout your playthrough. The Bosses should each drop their own Character Grimoire along with their loot tables for each class. But sadly none of this exists.. And it's far from disturbing.. Not to mention.. [i]No independent strikes in director[/i] [i]No prestigious playlist[/i] [i]No strike specific loot[/i] [i]No bright engram upon completion of first strike[/i] [i]No detailed scorecard[/i] [b][u]Lost Sectors[/u][/b] - What are Lost Sectors? Seriously. Other than a "off the beaten path" loot cave.. These areas should've been zoned out for Fireteams to come in and run Survival like objectives, Fight an extremely overpowered enemy, while combating your way through heavily shielded mobs. The sheer amount of content that could be flushed out of these areas doesn't exist sadly. And I must add it would've been nice to see Lost Sectors give in-game grimoire of the planets history and boss we just destroyed.. Every planet could cycle these randomized events in every Lost Sector to provide Guardians with other means of grinding for Loot. Increasing our content and farming the Bosses for "their" unique Loot table.. These are the things we as players want and need in a Mmo Looter Shooter. Instead we get a cave full of what Oh yeah a cache of pirate booty.. And I mean literal booty. Dirty old smelly booty.. Great job.. Such creativity.. Guys. [b][u]Adventures[/u][/b] - Glorified Patrols basically with a sidenote of conversation attached. Are they being utilized to their full potential nope.. And this is where Grimoire should be most prevalent for us to learn about our Factions, The planets, our enemies, the adventure itself.. To hunt down Loot, Dead Ghosts which seriously need to be added.. The level of exploration in Destiny 2 doesn't exist because there is nothing to explore.. It's just a M&M without the chocolate.. A empty lifeless shell.. [b][u]The Loot[/u][/b] - The Bread and Butter right Guardians. The reason why we play Destiny. Huh. Well, unfortunately there's a problem. The sweet armor, the cool weapons they are all set.. That's right The Nameless Midnight I get is same one you'll get, and every other 1.3 million players will receive.. Isn't that awesome. The decision to make set (Loot Rolls) was a simpleminded one and something that needs to be removed ASAP. It totally eliminates the overall content of Farming we came to love in Destiny.. I for one loved farming Omnigul over and over for that Godroll Grasp of Malok. Sad to see those days go.. Oh well, If it isn't dealt with properly the game will suffer and it's playerbase will continue to decline over time.. [b][u]Nightfall[/u][/b] - Well, this is a heated topic huh guys, I'll keep it brief and to a point. The 300 Prestige Nightfall should be the only event with the clock dangling on your hud. Where the risk is, shall be also a reward. The simple fact is we have to draw a line between catering to a casual audience and challenging the hardcore. Not punishing both sides.. If the 240 Nightfall isn't challenging you. Than you have the option to pursue a more challenging event. Also opening a door for better rewards. That is if Bungie doesn't screw you on rewards like they where doing in Destiny.. Remember those Ghost Shells, Three of Coins, and Strange Coin rewards.. Yeah I do and it infuriated me. But this needs attention since it's a up in arms debate.. But I have an idea to spice up Nightfalls, here we go. Remember skulls from Halo. I want something similar guys. I want to have fun again. I want to see Confetti pop out of a dregs head. I want modifiers that actually make a Nightfall fun not just so serious all the time. I want a modification that increases my jump height so I hit the invisible barrier and die.. I want big heads, I want Oversized enemies.. I want to laugh and also kill with style.. Destiny needs to learn to just let go and add modifications that actually people would enjoy. Life shouldn't be taken so seriously all the time and neither should Destiny 2. But that's my 2 cents on that. [b][u]The Raid[/u][/b] - Well, I haven't done it because of what I have seen and heard. To be perfectly honest I'm so tired of seeing Bungie constantly use an overwhelming amount of mechanics in the Raids.. Some yes, but really why cant we just fight a bullet sponge for a half an hour.. I'd be down for that.. Just go in dodge attacks and use all we can to defeat the enemy.. Don't get me wrong I love puzzles and figuring mechanics out. But moderation is key and it burns us out running the machines all day.. We just wanna shoot some monsters without all the bullshit involved sometimes. But anyways.. The Leviathan Raid has one boss.. Really.. If that's not disappointing, than how about your Raid Keys being dismantled right before your very eyes on reset day.. Does Siva Cache Keys/Moldering Shards get dismantled on Destiny. No. So why are they here..? Mmm, good question.. The Raid Gear, no unique qualities.. Yea it looks cool.. But functionality is what we want from our Gear.. Along with style, but really.. It's just one more thing to keep the Crucible in mind.. And that's the truth.. We can't have uniqueness going into Pvp.. Heavens no.. [b][u]Legendary Shards[/u][/b] - A cool concept, just not utilized and implemented properly. Now I'm sure most of you are sitting above 500 or more of these purple durples. And scratching your head what the hell can I do with these. Well if I was creating Destiny 2 I would've allowed you to reroll your armor pieces only to create an expansion of gear with different abilities to help you combat your way through the challenges the game provides. Thus providing multiple sets of armor, in-turn creating more grinding time.. And increasing replayability. But who am I to tell you how to create a more rewarding experience. [b][u]Reputation Rank[/u][/b] - Why, why! Remove this from Destiny 2. I'm so pissed off with this. My Lord, is it really so hard to keep things that aren't broken. And just improve on them. The Cryptarch, Amanda Holliday, Banshee-44, Cayde, Etc. should have a Rank. Not a Reputation Meter for a engram. Wow. These are supposedly fleshed out npc's we saved. And this is how they are treated. Like a damn, Bubblegum Machine.. We want Quests, Unique Faction Loot, Cutscenes of their lives outside the Tower. We want to be engaged and to seek out more from them. With every rank we come closer to a Milestone and then we go on a Glorious Adventure.

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        25 отв.
        • Yeah, it was a great video until the end ... When he reveals himself as a Bungie shill. He basically said, "Buy it anyway, because Bungie is amazing."

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        • Изменено (Scorpius XX1): 9/26/2017 3:29:10 AM
          You know, I just can't shake the feeling that certain people just feel the need to be antagonistic towards gamers that enjoy Destiny. At the end of the day, it's just a game. And it's not a bad game. It would be one thing to suggest that like certain movies, or books, the overall general opinions of some being just bad. We can all agree that bad games, movies, books, tv shows, etc, exist. This is not one of those times. Destiny is not a bad game. It has it's share of problems for sure, but so does Warframe, Overwatch, COD, Titanfall, Boderlands, Diablo, The Witcher, and so on. And yet, now granted I don't visit those forums, I can't honestly believe that fans of those titles get attacked with the same vitriol as those that play Destiny. Get some perspective. It's just a game. That's all it is. It's not a life changing event, it's not going to cure cancer, and only in very remote cases will it actually affect real life relationships. Which could be said of any game, hobby, or side activity not done in moderation. It's just getting old. This overcompensating, sheepish, hate Destiny bandwagon that just keeps rolling through these forums day in and day out. We don't need the links, we don't need opinions riding the coattails of some click bait seeking You tuber on here. We are all more than capable of visiting their channels without having it thrown in our faces by you and others in order to fulfill some sense of false justification in shared opinions. You know what, it's ok for people to like this game. It's ok for people to play this game. These are not bad people, they are not stupid people, they are not delusional people, and they can form their own opinions. Posting these types of threads everyday doesn't make you trendy, or a crusader for gaming, nor does it suggest you have some different intellectual mindset, it just makes you look like you want to hate the game for the sake of hating it. Just like Mr. Dobbins.

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          41 отв.
          • 4

            SOOoooo rad - старое

            Bro you are so RIGHT! - you know what you should do besides just wasting your gods gift of pointing out where other people fail here on Bungies stupid forum?? You should start your OWN video game developing company, come up with your own BAD ASS game concept, get funding, develop it, get it to the masses, THEN.... when everyone on your games forum is praising you and saying its the greatest of all time you can come back and rub it in Bungies face! YEA BRO! ... do it! - i'll buy it ( patiently waiting.....)

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          • Ok, Mr I am not going to buy this game cause it's trash oops I bought it and have ate through the game to endgame level but let me just hate it cause I'm an edgy attention seeking individual.

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          • Who is skillup?

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          • I get that they wanted to really simplify D2 for player retention since that’s what killed D1 since most players didn’t know how to climb that last jump into end game But for -blam!-s sake the bugs are annoying af! EA gets eaten alive for having just one bad bug out the gate and bungie has been having back to back to back game breaking and progression killing bugs

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            1 ответ
            • Angry Joe nailed it

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              4 отв.
              • worse than no mans sky

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                5 отв.
                • Изменено (llPROGODll): 9/26/2017 10:01:06 PM
                  All big youtubers all disliked the sequel. The best part is it will hurt sales and if bungie truly wants dlc money they better fix the -blam!- ups fast. Anthem,Monster Hunter World, Ace Combat 7 plus October games this month ya bungie is in serious trouble. I also forgot a little f2p game everyone knows of with its content update coming btw thats free to everyone so......LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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                • Of all the complaints you choose these …

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                • Right I'm finally done with your complaining. Get muted.

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                • There is literally nothing to do in this game already. What a waste of money, truly disappointed with D2

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                • While I agree Destiny 2 was a dumb-down moreso than a step forward, I still will play the hell out of this game. My opinion is to use my own judgement to buy and enjoy a game, I don't like The Witcher 3, but that's just an opinion. I like Destiny 2, but that's just an opinion. I can agree with some of these reviews (Not everyone), but I still enjoy the game.

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                • Bungie fails to deliver to its oldest fans

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                • Yep, its somehow a step back from d1 vanilla. lmao. 1 step forward, 3 step backwards

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                  2 отв.
                  • Then just leave, why stay around and cry like a little bitch? No one cares how you feel, no one.

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                    9 отв.
                    • Let my analyze D2 from a Hardcore MMORPG player. A Player who loves old fast pace shooters that held my attention for years on end. From the start of the game you have a story that reminds a player like myself of Mass effect 3. *cringe* Thanks to the crawling scene. This scene also left me stuck for over an hour as I didn't even realize I had the ability to grapple up a wall, due to coming from D1. The story was highly jarring with the Gullll cut scenes that didn't leave me with any helpful information to understand the whole point of him attacking the giant "Dead" orb in the sky. Even then tho the story was no better then what I wrote in middle school after I saw star wars, where is the deep writing? The themes? Why is Nolan bot so annoying? Vex milk... really? Okay so the story was bad.. maybe the grind for gear the whole point of the game was better. Sadly.... no.. for a player like myself. I did like not having to gather mats to level up each legendary...But come on guys at least give me something to make the gear feel more... you know... "Epic".. OH I'm sorry WoW term.. Its legendary.. Even the exotics were quite sad.. I wanted truth, or a real hand cannon exotic...but the only exotics I use on my hunter out of EVERY exotic in the game are Orpheus rigs and merciless.. because what is the point of the other ones? Even the rat king feels like it should have been a hand cannon and not a side arm... Okay so the random gear outside of raid and trials are weak aside from a handful of weapons and armors. Perhaps the gear in the raid will help players do the raid better, with the same going for trials... *does the raid* Why is the underbelly 2 times the size of the raid? Wait... What is this? My gear from the raid is the same stats as my random pvp item? What the holy hell? What are these tokens? Wait I need to kill the last boss to turn in tokens? and for low levels items at that ? What? For the love of god trials HAS to be rewarding... Wait ... I can get rewards for not going flawless?... You mean all I get is a aura for a while, an emblem and a star horse????? [b]What is the POINT of the RAID and TRIALS if I GET GEAR the same LEVEL as doing RANDOM things in the game?[/b] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THAT DOESN'T WORK IN AN MMO BUNGIE. I don't care what Activision told you. Blizzard is right on the other side of that network for the love of god. Progression in gear keeps players like myself around longer. Not your terrible pvp system, that makes me miss halo reach. You need to make players want to play and progress. No progression = no players. People will hit cap quickly. No progression changes = No dlc purchases AND no PC players buying your game. You are a MMOFPS. You are a online Borderlands. Act like it.

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                      32 отв.
                      • I'm with you completely. D2 is proving to be a continual disappointment with the exception of the music, art work and super animations.

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                        1 ответ
                        • You’ve created a very long post about not liking the game. How about a SHORT message saying ‘goodbye’? And I’m wondering what’s going on in someone’s mind that would take the time to watch all those videos that supposedly ‘prove’ how ‘terrible’ this game is. I mean, wouldn’t it just be quicker and easier to sign into Halo?

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                        • BYE!

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                        • Outstanding Jay. Including links that provide validity on account of the feedback should be done more often. I can understand why so many [b][i]dont[/i][/b]. Whether they didn't have time, couldn't find it, or simply didn't feel like it are all viable reasons. EVERYONES entitled to provide feedback without links. Including them however, helps others to understand [b][i]where and why[/i][/b] you have the feedback you do. It's the basis for what you've constructed. I'll be saving a link to this post. Nicely done.

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