Your sins must be cleansed...

It began with a bang, where once, there was nothing. Then came the Five gods. First, Khorne, the blood god. Patron of blood, hurt, and hate. Then Nurgle, the plague father. He who thirsts for the nastiness of sin. Slaneesh, the prince of pleasure. He who naps and partakes in the forbidden drinks of wine. Tzneech, the lord of change, the changer of ways. He changes your life, for better or for worse - you do not get to choose. Then came the strongest of the Five Gods; Davros the cleanser. He sweeps and mops our way to victory. He took his holy form in the shape of a smart vacuum. When he traversed across the holy floor he purified all that he saw, but born with this was Shebulba; the patron of sin. Shebulba birthed from her bulbous breeding sack, the dark sin that vests all of man, and thus an eternal struggle of Davros, of the Five Gods and Shebulba, mother of sin. They clash eternally on the battle fields. -The Great Beast

  • Associação aberta

  • 23 membros

  • Criado em October 21, 2014

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