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Edited by Redemption-3: 12/14/2019 8:06:06 PM

Console - Slow Load Times In Menu & Items

And it gets even worse while in an activity. Understandable if there is too much goin on... But even standing in the tower, menu is just slow in general. Hate to bring up the past, but D1 didn't take this long to load. So its not just a console issue. Thank you.

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  • Got worse after last “update”. Changing a full set of shaders takes forever. No Bungle, it’s not my network.

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  • IMO improving console load times should be at the top of the list for prioritization.

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    3 Replies
    • It’s perfect no problem Went to buy milk at winco Came back still waiting to see my character Seem legit

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    • So annoying and frustrating

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    • Edited by GrifterDeMier01: 12/15/2019 8:31:38 PM
      Apparently ever since shadowkeep came out Bungie decided to stop optimizing and maintaining the game for all versions. This game should play flawlessly on your console even if it's an old one. PS4 and Xbox are incredibly powerful systems and the only reason this game is performing so poorly on them right now is because Bungie is cheap and lazy. This is the only game I play on PS4 that has frame rate slowdown and rediculous lag. Warframe runs perfectly, red dead online, flawless, ffxiv online flawless, ESO flawless. Monsterhunter world is flawless. Even Anthem and fallout 76 run better than this game does. Those CEOs gotta buy their wives new cars and their mistresses diamond earrings and expensive wine and skimpy Victoria's Secret underwear. So of course they are not putting those extra millions back into the game.

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      11 Replies
      • They'll get better with the next Gen consoles next year. The hardware we are all using on consoles is dated. There is only so much they can do. As destiny has evolved it has gotten worse. Definitely points to hardware limitations. I have a oneX and is much better than the og console, but still has it's issues. You can always tell when you play with someone on a 1st Gen console because you load in so much faster. You find yourself waiting sometime 30seconds for them to appear. I'm no tech geek, but common sense is telling me the better the hardware the better Destiny runs. So the series X, and ps5 console should be just what we need for games like Destiny.

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        9 Replies
        • Edited by Offstar: 12/16/2019 4:23:39 AM
          Yeah it's really bad. Pre Shadowkeep it was annoying but post Shadowkeep it's god awful. And I don't know if other people have experienced it but for me at least Season of the Dawn has gotten even worse somehow. Like when I'm in the menu and I'm trying to change mods it so bad it's not even funny. [url][/url] This should not be happening.

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          5 Replies
          • Edited by CptnPunchy: 12/16/2019 5:27:13 PM
            It’s effecting PC as well. But console is worse

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            1 Reply
            • Yeah, no joke. Menus, especially when slotting armor mods can drop down to like 1 FPS... if not less.

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            • So it’s not just me. I thought my Xbox was crapping out in me.

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            • Slow menus have been an issue for a while, what I've noticed more recently though are ridiculously long load screens going into PvP matches. I'm not kidding I swear sometimes I can be sitting there with 30 second to minute long black screens or longer (with the PvP map name in the corner) just waiting for the match to load in, that and I've been noticing more lag in general. I'm just going to say it, but the only thing that has changed that could effect something like that that I'm aware of (unless I'm missing something) is the recent release of that rushed dumpster fire and bad deal of a new console known as Google Stadia.

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            • Edited by Lord_Shar: 12/16/2019 9:18:57 PM
              It's not just consoles. My PC is also experiencing degraded performance despite having hardware that beats next gen console specs (i9-9900k CPU + RTX 2080Ti video w/ 11gigs VRAM + 32gigs DDR4 RAM + 1gig SSD, etc). I'm still well north of 100fps+, but the I still notice the FPS stutter compared to the previous season's glass-smooth performance. Since this season launched, there is considerably more UI lag as I try to change weapon / armor mods, delete items, etc. This feels more like bad code or non-optimal texture management.

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              1 Reply
              • Known issues by Bungie but they're not going to fix it, it's been an issue since launch and hasn't been fixed so.

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              • Been getting slower and slower. I agree with you. There’s definitely issue with the code causing this.

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                • It's been bad since sk dropped

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                • Not only bad itself, very limiting in PvP if you ever want to switch loadouts - good luck with that without dying - but it's also a key factor in how frustrating it is in needing to endlessly dismantle blue items. People ask about an auto dismantle toggle and some salty folks always chime in with don't be lazy, etc. I suspect they're on PC with SSD drives and so they don't have these huge delays on opening the menu.

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                • Unfortunately I think that has more to do with The console than Bungie but I’m sure they could improve there horrible servers

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                  • Took 2.5 min for our fireteam to load into tower last night on PC.... it’s not just a problem on console. It’s bungie servers

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                  • I said this in a post last week... fire up destiny 1 and see those load times. 15-20 seconds to get from orbit to the tower. You can switch weapons and armor very fast. You can see how much is in the postmaster from orbit. Things 1 got right and Bungie couldn’t implement in 2. Very sad.

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                    • I like it. Loading into a comp game, I was able to take a dump, wash my hands and get the coffee on before it started. I know this is about menus but I wanted to share this as well 😂

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                    • Its was not this bad before shadowkeep came out. You pretty much have to be in orbit to scroll through the menu "smoothly".

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                      • Its getting as bad as D1 on the 360.

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                      • 1
                        You had to be there man

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                      • Because the game wasn’t this big before. It’s part of why Bungie is cycling seasonal content out of the game. This generation of consoles just weren’t designed for this.

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                        18 Replies
                        • Edited by GuillesDNeyes: 12/16/2019 5:29:09 PM
                          I get tons of lag in the UI. I have an ssd for the 1x & ps4pro, both are unstable af.

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                        • Bungie Secretly nerfed your load times in Menus after the recluse nerf they realized the community loves fast load times so they didnt want you having to much fun now lol

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