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Edited by xLayer Cake: 7/27/2017 5:19:06 AM

Maybe this was our fault...

If in destiny 1 golden gun kept its duration, accuracy and ridiculous range. Maybe if the bladedancer remained in its seemingly broken state. Maybe if double tripmines, double lightening, double firebolt, shinoubu's vow skip grenades, Thorn, Red Death, Last Word, Suros Regime, Felwinters Lie, Efrideets Spear, and all the other weapons/abilities that were once thought broken all existed at the height of their strength at the same time... ...If the titan kept his ungodly super with endless hammers, crazy mobility, and high armor, while a stormtrance had the speed and super duration to kill me three times on black shield in one super. Maybe, if all of that happened, Destiny would have reached that rare prestige some of the best games have where everyone feels too powerful, and [b]that[/b] gives it a sense of balance [I]and[/I] fun. If everyone's op, then no one is so the game still functions more or less fairly with a few exceptions. Now aside from probably whining a couple times when my precious gunslinger felt impotent, or crying about the spawns or too many games in progress; I rarely cried foul at things that people felt needed changing. Still though, maybe them listening to us in some way is what killed Destiny 1. Now we have Destiny 2, a game that might function competently enough with little room for complaining, at least at a balance standpoint. Still though it feels like an incredibly watered down experience that I would think most players would not want. That's not to say its entirely our fault. Certain things did need addressing and there's a strong chance Bungie did listen. They just went about fixing things in the worst kind of way, to a layman like me at least. I miss the sense of fun and adrenaline Destiny gave me when it was at it's best. I suck at raiding, but I beat each of them at least once with the help of a few good friends, and that rare occasion where I did a thing in the raid without -blam!-ing up and causing a wipe was unreal. I am good at pvp for the most part though and those nights getting to the ninth match in trials, our mercy loss already used up and the enemy team is on the same path as we, taking it to overtime only for us to pull a win at the eleventh hour made the hairs on my neck stand. I don't get any of that from Destiny 2 from what I've seen, what I've played, and what I've been taught will probably be the case based on a track record dating back to 2014 prevents me from getting invested in Destiny 2. It really is a shame.

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  • Things were obviously broken in year 1, don't even try to lie about it, things were best in ttk after the fusion rifle buff. Then RoI dropped and matador was thrown back in. And thanks to the overwhelming about of people crying about it, bungie went overboard and nerf'd special ammo. Why? Probably cause people camt cry about being mapped if the thing has no ammo. Look, its been a great 3 years. I know ive enjoyed it. From thorn 2 tap to sidearm spam and everything in between. If anyone from bungie sees this, know that you guys made an amazing game

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  • Alright, I do see where you are coming from, and it's a very competent standpoint, I agree with most of the points you made and I think that yeah, we complained too much so bungie fixed problems that weren't really problems to begin with. However, I think that there is a very simple fix, you shouldn't feel too powerful, for a couple of reasons, first, lore (Ghaul took our powers), second, it's harder to create a balanced structure when overpowering everything. This problem could be fixed through exotics, in D1 we saw exotics become less and less vital to sets due to Eyasluna or Palindrome combined with wormwood, due to these weapons existing exotics became less and less vital, no land and icebreaker are 2 very reliable weapons to use, yes, dreg's promise and trespasser as well, but these are four of many and most of the other exotics have become irrelevant in both PVE and PVP, if Bungie were to focus on making exotics better than their legendary counterparts, you would still have that powerful feel at the sacrifice of one legendary. As for subclasses, the same thing goes, exotics could provide perks that we are used to in D1, such as viking funeral for the dawnblade, flame shield, for striker provide some kind of death from above for the first strike (just hypothetical, please don't take that as an actual suggestion). Exotics could be the fix to almost every problem complained about from the D2 beta, but everyone is asking for same old instead of new, we should be thriving to make a better, more balanced game, where competitive and casual are separate, not a game where a casual can pick up a palindrome and a wormwood and go flawless or pick up a Gjhallarhorn (I took a massive guess at how to spell that don't judge if it's wrong). Anyway, my main point is make the weapons that are made to be powerful, powerful, and don't balance everything else to there level, that is catering to casual play and where that does have it's place it is not for raids or competitive PVP.

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  • No, this was Bungie's fault, Point blank, plain and simple, period. If they had even the tiniest amount of backbone, they would have told Crucibabies to suck it up and get better.

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    3 Replies
    • Year 1 was the best hands down. I'd rather have unbalanced but fun pvp than pvp that tries to be balanced but not fun. After year 1 the game slowly went downhill for me. I got tired of weak weapons and crappy RNG. I just gave up. I deleted destiny a few months ago. I just redownloaded it to play with some friends. I hopped into a rift match and I was instantly reminded of why I left. As for the beta you're right about it being more balanced yet everything is watered down. It was fun but it didn't fully grab enough attention to preorder. If I buy d2 it'll be a disc copy so I can get my money back if it's total trash. That's IF I buy it. Destiny started off being awesome but ended up making me sick of fps. I still play them from time to time but not like that anymore.

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      • I unfortunately just started playing this year so I haven't seen any super OP exotic weapons

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        • Bungie---and their determination to recreate Halo's MP----also had a hand in this. The problem is that shooter gamer's have WAAY too narrow a definition of "balance"....and use complaints about "balance" as a crutch to soothe egos that are wounded by getting outplayed, outsmarted....or both. What shooter gamers need to learn is what fighting gamers learned awhile back. Perfect balance==/== a fun game. A fighting game where everyone plays the same character (Street Fighter) may be perfectly balanced.....and yet its not going to be all that fun our interesting to play. So if you want a game that is fun and interesting to sometimes have to accept **counters** rather than direct 1::1 balance. PVP in Destiny 1 was built around counter-play rather than "balance"....and as long as you understood was fun to play. But the community wanted balance....and a lot of damage was done to D1 trying to pursue it. ....and D2 beta looked really underpowered in PVE as a result of it as well.

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          • A lot of factors turned D2's beta into the watered down game it was. Question is, will it stay this way? I like to think it will be fixed, but after the 2-14-17, my trust for Bungie was pretty much destroyed.

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            • Maybe if bad crucible players didn't cry every 5 seconds, the game would still be fun.

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            • I was one of the few that never had an issue with most of the PVP issues from Destiny 1 (notably the Thorn mess sticks out as something that was out of control). In terms of supers and shotguns and snipers... idk, I always had access to the same stuff or could grind to get it eventually - and typically when I died from something, I knew it was a flaw in my strategy or just bad luck. I liked having to desperately run away from folks with supers, to play the map to my weapons' strength, and being able to scatter the other team like ants with my own super... that was what made it Destiny PVP for me. I liked the frantic, high-paced action and occasional chaos. Otherwise I would've played a different shooter that fit my play style better. Anyway, admittedly obviously in the minority based on what I've seen in the forums over the years... but I think we'll see the same once D2 kicks off. There'll always be a gun that people figure out works best and it'll become overused and complained about... if not, then it's because the weaponry won't have to enough variations to feel different at all. I think you just have to choose your poison, really.

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            • Edited by aboniks: 7/27/2017 6:28:36 AM
              I think there will be room for some of those feels in D2. Bungie is far more responsive to trends their internal data collection systems identify than they are to whatever the squeaky wheels on the forum are screaming at them about. It's their go-to rationale for most of the changes they take the time to offer any rationale for at all. Can't really blame them for that bias, since they developed the data collection tools, and the game tself. If that means they end up a little blind occasionally from staring into the supernova of their own brilliance, that's just the price we pay for gaming in the age of data mining and user surveillance. We can probably be grateful that so many player suggestions were not given serious consideration, tbh. Design by committee is already hard to do well when the people on the committee are actually qualified to implement the ideas they pursue. Opening that process up to thirty million sweaty randos is always going to mean you have to be hella choosy about who to listen to.

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              • Other than the insanely slow charge for supers and abilities. And the hunter getting the shaft as far as its class perk. I enjoyed the beta

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