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originally posted in: 6 things real gamer girls hate
Edited by EnkillEridos: 12/8/2014 8:34:01 AM
I am sorry I have to downvote this. For one thing unless your real name is Lizzie Cuevas you just pretty much plagurized a horribly written article on Games Radar named 9 things real female gamers hate about gaming. Found here: I mean it pretty much looks like this post was copied and pasted from that article. If your name is Lizzie Cuevas. That post was very stereotypical. Cooking Papa? I mean I can cook using a stove. I can cook using recipes, and I can cook more than just mac and cheese and ramen noodles. If you aren't Lizzie Cuevas then disregard that. There are so many things wrong with this. I understand a majority of Bungie games are not on the PC. It seems many console gamers are less mature than PC gamers. While yes in PC gaming the same things happens. Very rarely does the guys in my gaming group "lose their shit when they hear a female." If they truly did my wife who is also in the same gaming group, and does play video games would get hit on as well as our other female members. I am not saying it doesn't happen, and I have no idea what it is like to be a male console gamer. I have never witnessed this kind of thing over open voice comms on a video game. I play three mmo's Second Life, SWTOR, and EVE Online. There are a lot of women that play second life, when you hear their voice it's like hi other person. Same thing with SWTOR. EVE Online I am afraid of everyone there. Making a female feel uncomfortable there, usually brings the wrath of a corporation or alliance. Also a lot of married couples play that game. It is a game where you can literally lose everything you play with. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person will usually make it so you do lose everything. So it is just better to be quiet in that game to be honest. As far as steam matchmaking, I have never brought people into team speak from a steam match made game never once have I had to kick someone for hitting on a woman, or doing anything in this post. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but it seems to be happening less (if at all) with PC games. Actually I play with more women than men on steam. As far as not always wanting to talk about video games? WTF should we talk to you about? More than likely we are talking because we are playing a video game together. In my case we wouldn't really be talking if we didn't. (Most women and men find me weird and creepy. Most women do not find me attractive at all.) Most gamer groups talk about video games a lot. Specifically the game we are playing if we are playing together. I understand most women think men should only speak to them when spoken to. But when you are playing a game like COD, Left 4 Dead, most mmos, etc. that requires teamwork to actually win. You are going to have to talk about that video game while you are playing it. If they enjoy playing with you they will talk about other video games. Males do this to males too. They are not singling you out just to talk to you. If we talk to you like we would talk to the male gamers, then we are practicing equality. I agree with you about avatars. I want to my male characters to have nothing but a loin cloth and a smile. I think it is ridiculous that a male character on most games do not have scantily equipment options. I find this very sexist. I am not attracted to men, but it is something I always felt was lacking in video games. Options for men to be as revealing as women are in most games is something I would like to see. Most men play games to have fun, most male PC gamers as a sterotype and seems to be the rule are married men with beards. Our wives would flip shit if we actually tried to hit on you. Not speaking about the other clowns, but when I specifically ask a woman in a video game if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Get over yourself, I am not hitting on you. I am trying to get you to recruit your boyfriend/girlfriend the more the merrier right? Now back to Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and waiting for Destiny to be released for the PC. (Probably will never happen.)

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