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Edited by Verbatim: 2/14/2014 7:31:36 PM

How was homosexuality introduced to you?

And how did you react? I don't remember my age (around five or six, most likely), but when I was very young, I was flipping through channels on the television, and I came across some comedy, and I started watching it. One scene contained a marriage between two characters, but the bride removed her veil and it was revealed that she was actually a guy. I was like, "Oh. Huh. I guess men can marry each other, too. Never thought of that before". I then proceeded to ask my mother to verify whether they could or not, and she told me, "Yes". I then grew up to discover that, no, it's actually an [i]issue[/i] here in America. There's people out there who [i]really[/i] don't want gay couples to get married, for some weird reason, and in the vast majority of states, it [i]is[/i] indeed illegal. Hopefully we'll get some interesting anecdotes.

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  • Like everyone else at the time, Jerry Springer.

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  • My homophobic parents, most likely.

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    • When I kept on being turned on by guys

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    • TV/ The media as always.

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    • I don't know, it wasn't a pivotal moment in my life.

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    • I saw a picture of two guys kissing when I was 9 and thought 'well that's ok'.

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    • I was a small child watching the news with my family, and there was a story on about two men getting married, which was an entirely new concept to me, so I asked "Men can marry each other?", to which my grandfather responded "Yeah." I then continued to eat the spaghetti I had gleefully ruined with a mountain of parmesan, as I was prone to doing back then.

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    • Probably around 11-12, which was way too late. You see, I started having feelings for other guys when I was around 8-9. The problem was that I knew what a pedophile was for a while before I knew what homosexuality was, so, for a few years, I thought that I was a pedophile. That terrified me beyond belief, and I didn't know then how I would ever deal with it. Years later, when I finally did learn that being gay was a thing, I was relieved beyond belief. I dunno, it probably says something about society, that we teach our kids what a pedophile is before we teach them what a homosexual is. Seems a bit (very) fu­cked up.

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      29 Replies
      • I was actually pretty old. About eight or nine, I think. And at school this girl was trying to tell me that her uncle was gay. I asked her what that meant and her and my friend were trying to explain it to me. I didn't understand it at all. I had an aunt name "Gaye" that worked at the elementary school we went to and I thought she was trying to talk about her.

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      • when i was around 9.

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      • I have no idea.

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      • As a sin and its still a sin, bring back hangings!

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      • Most likely kids called each other/things gay like little idiots.

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      • When my cousin told me about the word gay and what it meant,then he showed me a video of to guys kissing,all while I was 7 years old,major mind -blam!-

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      • Commercial. Saw two men kissing. Was instantly mentally scarred.

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      • Probably when Vince and Howard kiss on the roof in The Mighty Boosh.

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        2 Replies
        • Through my anus In actuality from a catholic priest (not like that you guys), that basically told me about it. So in recap: A Jewish boy is told by a Catholic priest in a Unitarian church about gays... Don't asked me how the hell that works.

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        • Edited by Adolf Hitler: 2/15/2014 12:15:17 AM
          Ernst Röhm. [quote]And how did you react?[/quote] I had him killed.

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          • Edited by Player3Th0mas: 2/15/2014 12:45:37 AM
            Well. My parents never really told me about is as it being something special. Once on a camping there were two guys on vacation, I was like 4 then. Me and my sister wanted to play a game with them, but they were afraid that my parents wouldn't allow it because they were gay, so they didn't dare to at first. They asked my parents if they had any problems with them being gay and playing with their children. I was standing next to them and I asked my parents if that was possible, two men having a relationship, and their answer was just "Of course! When two people love each other, they love each other. Why would there be any difference with two men or women?". For me, homosexuality has never been weird or bad. My parents taught me that it's a natural thing.

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          • My mom's best friend was a lesbian. Growing I realized it was okay to have the thoughts that I did about some females.

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            • When my uncle invited me inside on time for fizzy drinks...

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            • One of my best friends in Elementary had lesbian Parents.

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              • Will and Grace

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              • I'm pretty sure the sister of a family friend introduced the concept to me when she brought her wife over. I don't really remember if that was the first example I ever saw, but it didn't really bother me either way.

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              • This one time at band camp...

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                • so NERV wants 3rd impact to cure the human disease and my lame ass dad is trying to revive his bullshit dream and i'm caught in the middle with a penguin and redhead and a milf that drinks too much and i think i'd rather be dead but before i depart, let me impart some knowledge because i've seen all this shit and i ain't even hit college if you want to live a quiet life and hold onto your balls the only thing you have to do is never answer when your dad calls ever since then, i've been too -blam!-ed up to think i got so many problems and i'm not even old enough to drink but no one understands the kind of shit that i go through like jacking off to comatose girls in hospital rooms oh yeah, and there's also this thing i have to do on wednesdays where i save the earth from crazy -blam!-ing angels from outer space and redeem humankind and let everyone decide what they want to be and all i get is "congratulations"? are you -blam!-ing kidding me? i'm so sick of everyone talkin to me like i'm a kid i lost my mom when i was 2 and turned out better than asuka did even so my life just keeps tumbling down and tumbling down and i seem to be the only one that can pilot this eva now oh and i just found out this -blam!-ing robot is my mother and i'm the only one that can drive it because of the link we have with each other and it's all so -blam!-ed up i just wanted to jet out of this place and i would have except i became a god of time and space and my dad just died trying to bring my mom back i've got a happy family after all, how sweet is that? but i'd still like to say a few words i've written down to this -blam!-head who obviously doesn't want me around let me compose myself here at the end of the world surrounded by tang, rei's giant head, and this -blam!-ing turd that i just tried to strangle because like i said, i'm -blam!-ed up but she's -blam!-ed up too, so i guess that's good enough all i ever wanted for myself was a normal life just fallin asleep alone with my headphones in every night i never asked to be pulled into this shit, you had to -blam!- with me and call me out of nowhere and tell me to be what i didn't want to be and then when i was hesitant you had to be a prick and tell me to go home, you didn't need me, you -blam!-in dick but i got in that -blam!-in robot and i rolled over your plan look at me now dad, your little pussy's grown into a man not only that, i got a -blam!-in harem of my own even if one of them's 30, one's a bitch, and one's a clone and they all choose my dick over 3rd impact, your plan bombed guess you should have been a better dad and not sacrificed mom you should have seen how this would end when that first angel fell you deserved to lose, i hope kaworu butt-blam!-s you in hell but don't fret, i'll be chillin in a sea of orange sizzurp with this hot ass bitch and a vacation much deserved

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