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[This group has been deleted]
Edited by MistValkyr: 7/30/2013 10:41:10 PM

NS YouTube, Google Docs, Roster, Contingency Orders, Squads, Fireteams, Ranks, Creed, Alliances, Code of Conduct

Instead of filling out heaps of threads full of our information, I have compiled all of it into the following Google Drive Documents so I can easily access them and edit them anytime. Please go to the following links if you want to see the Roster or anything else that you'd normally look for in our threads in our forum. The CoC and the Noble Sentinels Recruiting threads will remain active, but the rest will be removed. Contact me so I can add your PSN ID to the Roster or if you want to join a squad. Thank you for making this group the group that it is. -Mist [b][u]GOOGLE DOCS[/u][/b] [b]Code of Conduct[/b] [b]Active Duty Roster[/b] [b]Alliances and Supported Groups[/b] [b]Squads, Fireteams & Ranks Info[/b] [b]Contingency Orders[/b] [b]Creed[/b] [b][u]YOUTUBE[/u][/b] [b]Noble Sentinels Channel[/b] - This also will have personal vids I do besides NS, though I will have dedicated playlists for NS and the PS4 games we play. [b]Google + Page[/b] - This is the YouTube's Google+ page and it also has a feed for the latest vids I've posted on YouTube. Add the page to your circles and I'll add any NS member to the page's circles so I can easily announce things to those on G+.

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