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8/24/2019 12:33:48 PM

My Hero, Part 2 [FANFIC]

[quote]Follow this link to [url=]Part 1[/url].[/quote] Someone knocks on the door. I groan, twisting helplessly to look to the entryway. I’m standing on a stool, holding a long purple ribbon up to the ceiling. Celebratory decorations are always such a bother. The holiday isn’t even over and the ribbons have already been falling to the floor constantly. I take the tape dispenser out of Leticia’s upheld hands and use it to wave her away, “Go get the door, sweetie.” The little girl hops in place then scurries away, the pitter-patter of her feet marking her progress. One-handed, I fumble with the tape and listen as the door opens. “Happy Solsis!” Leticia chirps, mispronouncing the event’s name. “Happy Solstice,” a male voice chuckles merrily, “Is there a tall person here I could speak to?” “I’ll be with you in a second!” I call, biting back a curse when I nearly drop the tape dispenser. Finally, I manage to procure a piece of tape from the infernal device. “I’m in no hurry,” the man replies politely. I tape the ribbon to the ceiling, then carefully step down from the stool. “Would you like to see a pretty trick?” The man inquires. “Yes!” Leticia squeaks. I set the tape dispenser on the table and walk to the entryway. When I come around the corner I find a Guardian crouching in the doorway, clad in ornate parade armor. He’s holding his hand out to Leticia, palm up. A halo of Light floats above his hand, shining softly in a kaleidoscope of changing colors. Leticia stares into it, mesmerized. It’s beautiful. “You’re a Guardian,” I observe, stopping at the corner. I put a hand on Leticia’s shoulder, “Go get your parents, Leti. Tell ‘em we have a special guest.” “Okay!” Leticia twirls and darts down the hall, calling for her parents. “That‘s an amazing trick,” I marvel, watching Leticia go, “How can I help you? Guardians don’t just visit random-“ My words catch in my mouth when I turn and see the Guardian. He’s not a large man, but he fills the space of the entryway with a strong and warm presence. His face is kind, but firm, and in his armor he appears to be a knight from old fairytales. He seems to glow with the very Light he had used to entertain Leticia. He’s crying. “I-“ I stammer, not knowing how to react to the bizarre sight, “Wha-What’s wrong?” “I never forget a face,” the Guardian sniffles, wiping away his tears with a gloved hand, “An’ to find you durin’ the Solstice o’ Heroes…this is a gift from the Traveler.” “Sir,” I hold up my hands imploringly, “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. If you could-“ “The Red War,” the Guardian interjects, silencing me with the sudden mention of that terrible war, “When the Red Legion attacked the City. We were there, in the street. You yelled at the Cabal.” My jaw slackens. The memories of that day rush back to me in a flood of emotion. All the times I nearly died, the struggles to survive, the nightmares of the Cabal. He was the Guardian in the street. He’d saved my life. I thought he had died. Lost for words, all I can do is mumble a dumb reply, “I…I didn’t mean to call it a space turtle…” The Guardian laughs through his tears -a happy, warmhearted laugh- and reaches out to place a hand on my shoulder, “I’m glad you did.” His eyes lock with mine, and he speaks softly, “You saved my life. I would have died.” “That was-“ I’m starting to get bleary-eyed too, “It was nothing. You saved me. How did you find me?” The Guardian smiles, “I didn’t know if you were alive, but I never stopped looking.” I was struck with awe, “But that’s-” “Almost two years,” the Guardian shrugs, removing his hand, “It’s a big city. Lotta people. But I had a lotta spare time.” “But all that for me? I-“ “It was worth it,” the Guardian interrupts firmly, “I needed to thank you.” “I-“ I’m still having trouble speaking, still processing the man standing before me, “How did you get out alive?” The Guardian sniffles again and rubs his nose, “It’s a long story. A lot happened.” “I-“ Finally I begin to collect myself, “We can talk over food or a drink, if you’d-” “That would be perfect.” “Well-“ I realize we’re still in the entryway and step aside, “Please come in.” The Guardian moves closer, pulling me into an embrace, “Thank you.” I hug him back, no longer able to withhold my own tears. “It’s Solstice of Heroes,” the Guardian says, “Now we celebrate the heroes of the Red War.” He pulls away, holding me at arms length, and looks deep into my eyes, “Thank you, for being my hero.”

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