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6/18/2019 2:34:16 AM

Astrozyt-Verse and the Warlock-Gear....

I play Destiny since the release on Playstation a long time ago and now with Destiny 2 on the PC the saga continues. But sometimes.... you just really feel betrayed. When today the Astrozyt-Verse dropped for me...I was like....that thing is familiar, but something is just wrong. How can it be, that the Destiny 1 Version looked superior, better like a whole Galaxy was in your Helmet...and the "new" Version looks rushed, loveless and somehow not satisfying. That´s the same treatment the Bonds of the Warlock got. Let´s be serious... in Destiny 1 where so many Bonds that just looked awesome and where Bungie really tried to max out the look of a Bond for the Warlock. In Destiny 2 there is not ONE, not ONE nice Bond for the Warlock. Destiny 2 has the most boring, uninspired, anti-badass Gear ever. That change will never come, I made peace with that. I am sad for those people that didn´t play Destiny 1, because If you could have seen what was available for the players....and what you are given would feel betrayed also. And this is no hate, but that game is truly missing love.

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  • Edited by DemolitionLovr: 6/18/2019 3:16:18 PM
    Here's where you're wrong, kiddo -no, I don't really think of you as a kid- Tangled Web Bond, POW! Spikey arm bracelet Luminal Voyager Bond, POW! I think that's what it's called Original Gambit Bond with that green Dead Orbit shader? POW! Also some changes were good the exotic snake Aspect gauntlets looked like doodoo -imo- in D1, but now they look better -without the ornanment- While generally I do agree wit you in the armor design being shittier than D1 but there are some hidden gems 👍 gotta make the best of what we got

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    8 Replies
    • I hear you on the bonds but the ones with the projections are thaaaaat bad

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    • *Astrocryte verse

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    • Problem is, from the looks of things, graphically the game is worse technically than d1, but the gameplay accommodates more enemies and bigger, flashier skills and environments without losing frame rate... Still sucks though.

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      • Also idk who is the idiot at bungie who decided to make it so gauntlets do not add shoulder pads anymore..but seriously...this person has very very very disgusting tastes. I loved my days of irons gauntlets, or my pixel wotm shoulders. Now warlocks do not look like space warriors anymore but grandmas woth dresses.

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        5 Replies
        • I think the glass on the helmet is less defined, so the shine and roundness of the thing isn't there as much

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        • Destiny 1, You abandoned me Destiny 2, Love don't live here anymore

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        • [quote]How can it be, that the Destiny 1 Version looked superior, better like a whole Galaxy was in your Helmet...and the "new" Version looks rushed, loveless and somehow not satisfying.[/quote] Toxic nostalgia. Humans are emotional creatures, and seek comfort.....not truth. So we have the tendency to remember the past as being better than it actually was.....and to see the present as being worse than it actually is. Especially in situations where we are unhappy. You see in bad marriages all the time. Where one partner is angry and disappointed in the NOTHING that person does is ever good enough...and EVERYTHING that person does just becomes fuel for that angry partner's resentment. When that happens in real life relationships, its either time to get help....or time to get out. Because all you're going to do is torture each other at that point.

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          7 Replies
          • People are out here complaining about that stuff and I'm just wondering why my Hunter can't have Bladedancer with Quickdraw and just... standard Blink... C'mon it aint bad.

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          • The raid bond looks dope. I hope to get it soon.

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          • It looks different? How so?

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            1 Reply
            • I personally think Verse looks 100 times better in this game and du actions better too.

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            • 1

              Gansito - old

              I think it looks way better in d2 than in d1

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            • Have yall seen that horrifying crucible chest piece for the Warlock? My lord

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            • They traded some of the style points for actual function

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            • Edited by Why is this happening?: 6/18/2019 12:39:06 PM
              What the -blam!- is an Astrozyt?

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              11 Replies
              • Bungie only gave us love on the gambit bonds the current crucible bond and a few of the first year 1 bonds iron banner bonds.

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              • I like the look of Verse. Plus, at least this version is actually good compared to D1.

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              • I might disagree with people on the Bonds and overall look of Warlocks in general. I'm all for having more interesting Bonds that really stand out for those who desire that type of thing (hey, who doesn't want options), but I personally prefer the toned down, subtle look myself. I really like the Armor that we have now (again, would like to see some more interesting things for others though). I consistently ran 3 accounts (plus a minuscule amount of time with this one). Mained a Warlock on two of those accounts so yeah, VERY familiar with the options we had in D1. :) As for the Astrocyte... As soon as I saw it I was a bit disappointed that they changed the looks of it as much as they did. I have no real plans to consistently run it once it's in my collection, but I would LOVE to see a return to the look it had in D1.

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                • I would like to say, that criticizing something is not crying. I mean we all pay good money for what we get, and besides that the most stuff is recycled anyway, it should look even look better then in the past. The other thing is....there is really no argument here because the looks of the warlock are just crap compared to D1 and you can´t really be subjective there. And you can read that on a regular basis, that people don´t like the gear in Destiny 2. You like one piece here annd there, fine.....but overall most stuff is just crap. And that is the point where I was laughin in the VidDoc when they said they make the game with us, and we want. Nice PR talk. If there ever happens any Destiny 3, Destiny 1&2 will be there content-pool to fool everybody again, to make money, to fill their resources but not to fill it with original content. Shadowkeep is 50:50 Recycle-Mantra again. It is not crying mentioning that, but if you keep like "yeayea you cry about everything Bungie does" then you just show that you are an addict to a game that you love and won´t face the real, bad facts. I want original content if I pay new money - it´s as simple as that. And if that stuff is recycled anyway, it should at least look better. The Astrozyt-Verse is just a metaphor on how Bungie is handling the game. For once, even if you love the game, be honest with yourself. I don´t hate the game, but because I like it I want the best version of it, and Bungie is far away from that.

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                • Ive seen 3 or 4 popular post on the forums this week talking about how bad the armour in d2 is. Its bland and makes everyone look too similar

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                • I always was pissed in D1 that the Astrocyte Verse didn't have the Obsidian Mind perk on it instead of the shit blink function

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                • That is a broad stroke assumption based on personal opinion so I will provide 2 opinionated counter arguments gambit invader bonds and the stag and sanguine alchemy look cool but are some of the lamest exotics warlocks can use just because you dont like how things look dont use it to say bungie just rushes the content and makes crappy rewards

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                • Do you forum dwellers literally look at anything, no matter how small, and cry about it?

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                  7 Replies
                  • I can name quite a bit of Warlock bonds that look nice, but that's subjective.

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                  • I wish when you crit kill someone wearing the helm, it exploded in a shower of glass and space dust.

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