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1/16/2019 12:47:22 AM

Code of the Commander Tactical Strike

Hey Bungie I see that you’ve considered some awesome changes to the supers and abilities that are not being used. Hopefully you will also consider looking at the melee ability Tactical Strike, for the Code of the Commander. I’m not really sure how it has gone overlooked for so long but the ability has not been working at all. I suppose it can seem like it is in effect if you melee a red bar enemy that you can 1 hit, however that is Controlled Demolition coming into play. I have done a pretty significant amount of testing and quite simply it is as if Tactical Strike is turned off. As far as the other ability nodes in the Code of the Commander, things are looking pretty good. Resupply and Controlled Demolition are solely responsible for all detonations, health regeneration, and ability cool downs. Those abilities are working beautifully in tandem with each other. If I had to touch on the Banner Shield super itself I'd say it is working as intended. There is a part that says, “Guarding allies makes the shield last longer.” and to be honest as a solo player it is a bit too infuriating to get numbers on how long the shield last with one or more teammates behind you opposed to just guarding alone. However, if it could feel a bit more significant and make you consider the value of guarding teammates more, that would be absolutely fantastic. Also while I have your attention. Mask of the Quiet One has been neglected by many sentinels on ps4 over these past months. Unfortunately, a few of them still dawn the aesthetically pleasing mask but unbeknownst to them it also could use some fine tuning. The first half of the exotic ability, Dreaded Visage is an awesome concept however it absolutly seems lackluster. Same can be said to the second half of the exotic ability, but in this case it seems like it just is not working. I’ve tested the second half of the exotic ability over and over again, but it just wouldn’t activate. Well to be frank this exotic was introduced in a time when exotics were not supposed to really give that true exotic feeling. So hopefully now that the game direction is leaning toward that powerful space magic feeling again we may see neglected exotics like this one see some much needed tuning. Anyway, the Tactical Strike situation is of utmost concern/importance. I would appreciate it getting looked at as soon as possible. Thanks for listening.

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