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4/4/2018 3:28:21 AM

Make the aura stronger and bigger while higher is the score reached on NF

So I came up with this idea cause yesterday I beat up NF Prestige for the first time with 2 other kindly guardians. Once I obtain the aura I kept thinking that the aura from a guy who reach 60K can't be the same as the aura from a guy who reach 400k. I thought that we can make some reference values: [60k]( ; [80K]( ; [100K]( and [+150K]( . (These images are only to better understand this suggestion.) These values can be changed just like the initial value that unlocks the aura. So each time we reach a reference value, it would cause the aura to increase in terms of opaqueness, saturation, size, effects, particles, etc. Anyway, I read a lot of comments from other guardians. It would be great if there is an option to deactivate the aura too.
#feedback #aura

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