I know I can google it but ever since I found my new main ive been wondering how I can perfect him. Anyone have suggestions or pictures they can share?
Edited by ReignofSpartain: 1/19/2017 9:22:33 PMI go for speed up and slows. There is a frost item i get that increases health and snares enemies i think. I get those types of gear after my first damage item is maxed (it has icon of axe). Havent played smite in months but apparently it was my most played game last year(not this last yr) and im a bakasura main. I dont like prey escaping and your buffs lets you take anything down. Save your leap. Try to get close with only your ulti. Attack from behind. Wait for them to cast their escape so they have that CD. Use leap to gap close if they try to run. Oh just a tip. You can solo towers. The less the health, the less gear you need to take one down. You can use your ulti to have the tower attack your ulti clones while you bash away. I backdoored a titan this way when my team was about to lose. Could you imagine the salt?