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Edited by Graystash: 2/8/2016 3:41:22 PM

Last Feedback

Destiny has made me despise the name Bungie to the point of ruining Halo for me. I have "spoken with my wallet" as a lot of fanboys have advocated in the hopes of positive changes but at this stage Bungie has demonstrated they are what game developer should not be: mainly unresponsive, arrogant and incompetent. The whole pre-order Suros Weapons pack being green for the The Taken King was just what South Park said about per-ordering "[url=] A Big D* In your moth.[/url])." Focusing on money making schemes aka Events like Crimson Doubles, SRL, Festival of the Lost is just sleazy when they do not provide any permanent additions to the game. If you disagree then look at the fact that each has brought new inventory in to the Macro-Transaction store and has not added anything to the game that is not cosmetic while ignoring bugs and issues. What does not work me: -Bad story telling in a story telling medium is a big failure and shows lack of respect for everyone involved. Especially when you consider it was advertised as such. -The blatant lies. -No matchmaking for the best parts of the game. (if there is optional matchmaking even the hard stuff will be attempted by more people who do not want to deal with an LFG or an external resource. I did the exotics swords, sleeper simulant and the chaperon strikes with randoms and it worked out fairly well, all that was needed was a headset to clear up any confusion.) -The taken and their no cool-down on their supers. -Feeling under-powered at 310+ light level in PvE vs 240 enemies and bellow -Timed events are just a stress inducing mechanic in gaming and never good also very much overused in this game. -Invulnerable enemies as a prevention to cheesing them is bad game design. (All strike bosses on first encounter) -The bugs and hit detection are just too much to take in PvP mainly but also in PvE. -No respect for player progression and time investment. -Time gated weapons/armor -The logic that Bungie has the right to tell players how to play the game with respect to weapons and armor and nerfing weapons and armor to prevent overuse is just wrong. -The names of things like weapons, armor, enemies and NPC are just bad. What sense did it make to anyone to name things like ogres, wizards, warlocks in a sci-fi shooter. -Nerfs affecting PvE when it was only an issue in PvP. Nerfs are always a bad idea the only solution to something OP is providing an effective counter but they do not seem to get that. To make maters worse they overcompensate and instead of adjusting it they make it useless. -Excessive time taken to address issues. -An expansion that actually reduces relevant endgame activities is just irrational. What works for me: -Variety of guns. -Swords -Scout rifles -Shooting mechanics. Sadly that is all that is left for me in this game thus this parting feedback. Bungie take it how you will but you have put me off of games for a while. Here are a couple of funny destiny videos for your time if you bothered to read this nonsense. They are almost a year old but still relevant to the stupidity that is playing this game. If you identify with the protagonist in these you should seriously consider stopping. [url=]6 Ways Gamers Have Taken The Fun Out of Gaming - Destiny Parody [/url] [url=]Why People Are Still Playing Destiny - Escort Mission[/url] I regret knowing this game and the time spent playing it.

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