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originally posted in: Favourite Video Game Quotes?
1/1/2016 6:44:50 PM
I have a few: "Go on, you just keep running. But I'll always be there to bring you back!" -Axel, KH358/2 "Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honor." -Zack Fair, Crisis Core "If I had a heart, this is where I would die of laughter." -Saix, KH2 "I'll kill you AND the night!" "Leon Belmont, Lament of Innocence "We can avert war between our nations. Just two of us. No politicians, no money changing hands. Just two soldiers speaking the truth." -Dima, BF3 (Looking through wikiquote, a massive amount of KH is quotable) And last but not least :'( "Yuna, I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand. Goodbye..." -Tidus, Final Fantasy X

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