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Edited by Senpai: 12/21/2015 7:50:20 PM

Why does everyone hate Donald Trump??

Let the Floodgates open... Edit 1: The Salt is strong in this thread. Edit 2: Whhhhyyyyy so much hate for The Trump

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  • I support Donald Trump for President for the following reasons: Hillary's foreign policy all but destroyed the middle East, and led to the rise of ISIS. Hillary will destroy America, by expanding Obama's immigration policy, allowing many illegal immigrants to bypass the LAW, and come to the country ILLEGALLY, to take jobs away from our citizens and LEGAL immigrants. Hillary wants to expand ObamaCare to include illegals, thus putting a further strain on our economy, causing the good tax payers of our nation, who actually WORK for what we get. Hillary wants to give us free college, but guess what, nothing is ever free. I used to live in Germany, where we have free college, in turn the government charged us huge amounts of taxes. Hillary wants to tax the economic elites of our nation a tax rate of 65-85% which, if you look back in the history books, is what the USSR did to make sure no one could get ahead, and keep everyone on the same level. Doing this destroys our capitalist society, which we can see how week it treats other socialist nations like Venezuela and Cuba. Hillary supports the government sanctioned murder of millions of innocent babies a year, and no it isn't a woman's choice to decide to kill a baby or not. On top of other things, Hillary's record in the public field is awful including her failed healthcare policy she drafted that Congress shot down during the Clinton years that would've coated Americans thousands a year, because it would've shot CoPays through the roof. Hillary ignored the calls of our personnel in Benghazi and left them to die. Oddly enough, the regime she assisted in toppling, the Gaddafi regime, had its last few loyal soldiers escort our people out of Benghazi to an airbase for safe extraction. Then the donkey in the room, Hillary's emails. She deliberately had secrets on an unsecure server that any teen in their parents basement could hack. The FBI director even said she lied, but he has unfortunately falling into her web of control, and not recommending obvious criminal charges that anyone else would've gotten. Hillary isn't the least bit truthful. Example: Remember the sniper fire she landed to in Bosnia? No? Me neither, because it DIDNT HAPPEN. Now to Donald, which I will sum up quickly, because I have other things to do than write a million page essay on how wrong the liberal thinking is. Donald has businesses all over the globe, and if only 4 went bankrupt (when they weren't under his control anymore) I say that is pretty good odds! Donald wants to bring jobs back, Hillary loves outsourcing. Donald will lower taxes, allowing more people to pay them, and allowing businesses to come back without being murdered by the 74 pgs. it currently is. Donald will support our military instead of defame them. Donald will honor all military Vets, and fix the VA corruption, which Hillary said was fin btw. Donald will keep us out of needless conflicts, and eliminate ISIS as opposed to just containing them. Donald will actually keep us safe by building a wall at the southern border, and by revamping our vetting process to ensure the people that come here will actually respect and follow our laws. Lastly, Donald gets that the point of President is to serve the people, not the people to serve the President, #ImWithHer anyone? To address why Hillary's slogan isn't Make America Great Again? It's because she doesn't have respect for our country or people, and she thinks that America is already great in its torn down form, so we are equals to everyone else instead of the greatest nation on earth. P.S I forgot to add anything about the 2nd Amendment - Hillary wants to get rid of it, and the NRA. Being German, I know this all to well. "Take the guns and you control the populous" - Adolf Hitler. But not just the German people knows that works, just ask the Russians about Stalin, the Chinese about Mao Zedong, the Koreans about Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un, or the Italians about Mussolini. Each killed millions of their defenseless populous, which is why we fight so hard to preserve the 2nd. But hey, if you want hand-me-downs, and are perfectly fine with losing the majority of your rights due to insane politically correct ideals, go for it, vote for your next dictator of the United States of America. Or we can choose the right way. Choose Donald Trump for president of the United States of America to preserve America, and revitalize it's greatness.

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  • cause they want the country to be over-populated by people who aren't even citizens

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      4 Replies
      • Because he's a complete idiot. All of his ideas are completely crazy and it seems like he defies the amendments. With his Muslim policy, he's breaking the freedom of religion. With the policy of Mexicans, he's just being flat out racist. His ideas on how to defeat Isis is not thought out knowing the fact that he wants to bomb each and every person in the Middle East. Not to mention that he has insulted plenty of people including the disabled.

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        18 Replies
        • He is self conceded asshole. He believes autism is caused by vaccines. He wants to ban all Muslims from seeking freedom, therefore violating the constitution and what America was built on. He believes Mexican American are the problem to all of Americas problems and says most are robbers and rapists and criminals that bring only drugs and violence. He thinks he will be able to force Mexico to pay for a wall to be built on the U.S Mexico border. That is why I hate Trump. He may be a good business man but he is no politician. [spoiler]neither is Ben Carson and don't get me started on him[/spoiler]

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          9 Replies
          • He's a hot headed idiot with no filter on his mouth and would glad fully start WW3

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          • Education and intelligence is typically why one hates Trump.

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            4 Replies
            • Lol In all seriousness I don't know how people can hear him talk and think he's a leader.

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              8 Replies
              • He's a liar and won't admit when he's wrong.

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                3 Replies
                • Because he is a titan

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                • Who needs a small loan of a million Lennys? ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

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                  2 Replies
                  • More importantly what is a desticle that posts "I'm here" on salty posts in #Destiny doing here

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                    5 Replies
                    • He reminds me of my 11 year old cousin.

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                    • 'Cause they know they can't stump him. He's called the "Teflon Don" for a reason. Nothing sticks.

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                    • Because the crazy communistic/socialistic Libs have taken over everything and make everything fair even for the freeloading spics that pour in this country

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                    • People hate em cause he's trying to fix this country by ridding of the freeloaders and bombers

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                    • Peter1023: His proposal of a wall is not crazy at all. It would cost roughly 6 billion dollars. We spend double that educating illegals children in the US in just one year. The wall would pay for itself in months

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                      21 Replies
                      • Mexicans piss me off, that's why I'm voting for him

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                      • Edited by N4VYS43L: 12/22/2015 6:08:48 AM
                        After watching the Democratic debate, I will say Trump definitely has better method of fixing the economy. All three Democrats said they would just tax the rich like crazy. This will actually do more harm than good. They just want to make the rich pay for everything and give hand out to the poor. People give Obama credit for the unemployment rate going down. That number really doesn't mean shit. Looking at the economy that number went down because more people stopped looking for jobs, not that less people are without jobs. This will just happen even more by heavily taxing the rich. Heavily taxing the businesses will cause them to outsource to other countries to evade taxes, and doeant allow them to expand. This removes jobs jobs within the country. Trump wants to completely prevent this. He did say he would tax wealthy business owners, but he want to make a high import tax so it would be cheaper for businesses to stay within the US than for them to outsource and have goods imported. Trump is radical with his speech on foreign affairs. However I feel he just comes off more offensive than he wants to be, but his personality prevents him from caring that he was offensive. He does put up with bullshit, and will call it like he sees it. People need to remember that being President is a job to big for one man to do alone. I feel if he gets the right people under his administration to aid him with middle eastern conflict, preferable military experienced, he won't do something that will screw the world over. I do feel he is one of the only candidates who wants to fix America within its own border before anything else. We have our own problems that need to be addressed and can't becoming to everyone's aid when something bad happens. Some of his ideas are a tad far fetched or extreme but he is truly for keep threats out and keeping the wealth in. Under Hilary this nation will become even more politically correct, more in debt, and more socialist. Also she is a flat out liar and can't be trusted. At least Trump is already rich and can't be bought. [spoiler]the only important job Hilary ever had was outsourced to Monica Lewinsky.[/spoiler] And Berner will most likely die of stress induced cardiac arrest before the first half of his term. But I digress. To answer your question, Trump is an asshole, but being an asshole gets things done more efficiently than being nice.

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                      • More like why do I hate liberals All liberals do is tell you you're stupid if you don't follow their ideology. They're close-minded, authoritarian, and live in a false reality where they see themselves as gods

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                        6 Replies
                        • He's sexist racist everything he says is also full of crap I admit he's funny but still

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                          • Love him Trump 2016

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                            • His hair and spray on tan

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                            • He's a pretty great troll He's up there with Rasputin, Rob Ford and Putin.

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                            • Are you butthurt. [spoiler]no pun intended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]

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                            • because donald duck is better

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