I would say that Halo 5 looks the least entertaining, while Destiny is the most unbalanced and can be extremely frustrating, and Black ops 3 will have [i]decent[/i] skill/strategy game-play and be fun at the same time. What do you guys think?
Me and other MGO2 vets are not to fussed about the upcoming successor. The TTK(time to kill) has been shortened to CoD values, CQC slams are OHKO regardless of class, CQC grabbing distance is broken levels of far. Speaking of classes they were never a thing in the pervious iterations, so yeah thats a thing. A really popular game type is returning, Team Sneak now dubbed Cloak and Daggers has defending infiltrators that can use stealth camo when in the original game type, stealth was exclusive to the attackers only. Stealth no longer hides the equipped weapon making visual tells less obvious. No text chat and by extension no <SONG>.