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8/5/2015 5:36:30 AM

Not being able to upgrade year one gear to year two levels is insulting and lazy

First, read [url=]this[/url] if you don't know what I'm talking about, and prepared to get annoyed/angry. So, we aren't going to be able to bring year 1 gear up to year 2 levels... which kind of begs the question, why bother playing right now at all? I mean having fun... but there's no reason to grind unless you just want to make a fashion statement once year 2 comes around. People, including myself, have invested thousands of hours into this game in search of elusive gear... gear that is now apparently now going to be outclassed by even green new guns. Given how much time people have put spent, that's just downright insulting. Yes, I understand it is challenging to create the next fatebringer or black hammer without making the same gun over (unless there will literally be a fatebringer/black hammer 2.0 in the game for running VoG or something like that), but that's kind of the point. Giving us the option to use new gear with intriguing new perks is great, but forcing us to use them by breaking some of our favorites and making all the rest outmoded generally just leads to disappointment and anger. At the very best, you'll leave people longing for their favorites, because, unless you straight copy the guns with a new coat of paint, those guns just won't exist in the game any more at a useful level. At the very worst, you end up with House of Wolves syndrome: a whole bunch of new guns and perks, most of which are either inferior to or not compelling enough to replace the old favorites, which lead to low satisfaction. From the advance previews, it sounds like the new guns will be great... but previews and actual release build aren't the same thing. It will be difficult to design the next fatebringer. Nobody thought it could be topped... until black hammer, and each one operates uniquely to create powerful and satisfying combat opportunities. This is not an easy challenge, but removing the competition to lower the bar for what we should expect is lazy. At the very least, if you're not going to let us bring the guns we spent an eternity trying to get, at least give us 2.0 versions of the raid guns... that don't suck.

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  • What is the motivation for new players to go through the old raids or any of the old content for that matter? I really feel that leaving all the year one legendary weapons behind is an injustice. Not only to the people who have been around since day one, but to the incoming batch of new players. Their experience with this game will be even more frustrating than it has been for all of us this past year. Can you imagine fighting through the vault for the first time only to get a bunch of weapons, armor and ascendant materials that are COMPLETELY useless!? It might be easier to swallow if the house of wolves had introduced ANY good weapon perks. Instead we got things like shank and dreg burn and the possibility of stunning captains. I feel like it's a gamble as to how the new weapons will be. Not sure I want to lose another $40 bet!

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    1 Reply
    • I agree, totally disappointed with what they are doing. Let us choose what to keep and what new weapons to use.

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    • Upgrading year one legendaries is what would be lazy. It's time to move on. New content should always make previous content weaker. Or there would be no point in making new weapons or armor

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    • New level cap is 40

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    • Did thorn make it to an exotic status by being obsolete every 4 months? No. There is (vague) story there where it became "legend". Why can't my favorite weapons become legend with me?

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    • Bump

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    • If Bungie sticks with not letting us ascend year 1 legendaries then they've let a lot of people down :(

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    • I was under the impression that all of our gear would always be able to go with us but I was wrong. Part of the appeal of this game was being able to go to the Vault and put on a set of year one Trials Armor and VOG weapons several years down the road. Some people might welcome the change but I dont and will be done playing Destiny when the DLC drops. Then we can spend hundreds of hours getting gear we use and grow to love then have it be broken down and rinse and repeat? If you dont want to use the same weapons then DONT, but for those of us that do....we should have the option and the fact that we dont is enough for me to spend my time and money on another game.

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    • First of all, I think being able to ascend legendaries was a mistake, let me put that out there. There is no weapon variety (or much less) if everything you have can be 365. Yeah, it took a while to get those legendaries, but they had their time. Bungie is most certainly forcing us to use the new weapons that they have created in the taken king, and we need to just roll with it before we make assumptions. Weapons will be better than the legendaries we have today, it adds more to the game. It just makes it so instead of being like "well this weapon is new so I guess I'll get it, but I'll still use my fatebringer" it'll be like "I'm excited to get this new weapon so that I can actually stand a chance"

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    • I hate this, but you really wanna use the same guns for 10 years, on a different note, bungie could still change and make year 1 still worth while in the dlc in some way

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      3 Replies
      • I agree with OneRampageGamer below. I think it was a mistake. If they never allowed ascending, nobody would be complaining now that they cant carry their LDRs forever. Bungie offered us a deal with the devil, we took it, and now they don't wanna offer us that same deal again and we feel cheated. New DLCs should mean new gear, not bringing your old stuff with you for an eternity. I do understand that some of you hate grinding, but if they didn't do this there would be nothing left to do. However, I think bungie needs to do more than make the new guns have higher attack levels. They need to have better ABILITIES as well. You cant compete with a fatebringer in damage alone, you need to have some kind of cool upgrade to make the gun worth using. All the guns from Prison Of Elders were sub-par at best, but had a higher attack level than the DB stuff so we had to use them or hope we get lucky with the RNG and grab a hopscotch or BTRD. In short, people need to realize they cant just avoid new guns cause theyre too lazy to grind more, BUT bungie shouldn't force us to use crappy guns either. I will be okay with putting away my hopscotch pilgrim if TK offers me a BETTER ALTERNATIVE.

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      • Eh, this wasn't all that surprising. They say they're aren't trying to be an MMORPG, but they have so many aspects as one. So current weapons becoming obsolete when the expansion comes out is normal.

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      • Sorry to tell you, bungie don't care for their cattle. Just keep throwing money at your TV for them. Honestly, ascending gear should have been left to exotics only. Why because by doing it to legendary gear has lead to the problem now. Also the fact that the newest gear is still subpar to old gear as in abilities. To make our guardians stronger, we need stronger weapons but not just at number value, but ability as well.

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      • There could at least be exotic raises because in house of wolves they didn't rove old exotics from the game they let you ascend them and I don't think bungie will get rid of all the old exotics I think you will be able to ascend the exotic weapons because the article never said anything about exotics but I think you will have to get far in ttk to ascend exotics.

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        2 Replies
        • They wouldn't bother a gun balancing in August if they are becoming obsolete in Sept. Unless your talking destiny 2.

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          2 Replies
          • Might as well call it destiny 2 now, I'm keeping all my stuff. I like certain weapons and armors and don't care if they become useless.

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            3 Replies
            • The majority feel like not being able to take a stream of code and pixles on with them for 10 years is a personal attack on their wellbeing and safety. It's rediculous. Some of them are clearly mature, but most of them seem less mature than my 10 year old brother. I just hope Bungje doesn't ever give in to the irrational and loud.

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            • You're right.

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            • Edited by kI q dread p: 8/7/2015 9:56:43 PM
              How is it lazy they have to add tons of weapons to satisfy us you are stupid and all of your points aren't valid old weapons need a break they will still be there for use just not as strong it's like Skyrim of ESO there is always a better weapon so just deal with it and no it isn't insulting it is awesome so I don't have to always use certain weapons because they are better.

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              1 Reply
              • Gear being left behind is a staple feature of rpg games. This an rpg game. Get with it.

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                14 Replies
                • Stop sounding so surprised. Every single mmo does this. That way you don't use the same weapons. If you use the same weapons what's the point of playing.

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                • Edited by liquidkaz: 8/7/2015 11:36:10 AM
                  Destiny pretty much screwed themselves by not thinking carefully about these guns. they wouldn't need to nerf guns like the gally or ice breaker if they had replaced the RNG bullcrap With a balanced and rewarding drop system and they also wouldn't need to make year 1 weapons useless if they had deeply thought about the guns they were making in the first place so they can make more weapons without them being overshadowed by OP guns. and now we have our year 1 guns that we wasted hours for turned into garbage that is bearly usable plus we now have self-deported guns.

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                  1 Reply
                  • No. If they allowed year one gear to ascend then they would be lazy. They wouldnt have to put in as much work or create new guns. Hell in Destiny 2, they could just not add in any. Just the same group of guns for 10 years. Sounds like a fantastic game.

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                    7 Replies
                    • And there is more stuff that makes you question their judgement.because they will nerf guns, which already get obsolete by not being able to ascend to year 2, so why bother with nerfing them..... Or is this piece of information you are referring to just some 3rd party nonsence, makes you wonder. Still seems like we will be able to ascend our Exotics though, so at least not all our grinding will be down the drain.

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                      4 Replies
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                        Says the guy who obviously never played an MMO.

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