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2/5/2015 3:00:59 AM
We expected a lot of things in this game, yes it was overhyped but the fact that this game is only made for new gen console... Yes i know it came out for the ps3 and xbox360 but the fact remains... Any new games out there for the new console doesn't have things that destiny has... Anyways lemme point out... The Good... •smooth gameplay •online only connectivity •fresh environment •raids •subclasses •and the hype of doing something new in a new gen console The Bad... •re-skins •replayability •story •weapons and gears •story •unbalanced pvp •walled open world •real time environment? Im not sure if it exist •trading system? •loot system, its entirely focused on the player that stayed for more than 4-6 hrs to get good drops, and its broken •xur's easy exotic earn •raid bugs and glitches •pvp bugs and glitches •glimmer cap •vault space •the amount of npc that exist •who the hell is the traveler? Everyone forgot about him huh!!! Lol •quest that continues a game or making weapons or gear •weapon and gear leveling system is a grind •glimmer is a grind •materials have no purpose except to accumulate •what the hell is the town below the tower??? •i wish i can go down there... •your brand new raid/dlc spaceship is only a dynamic load out and a destiny xmb menu... •the unknown location of the "7th chest in vog" •crota was just another bullet sponge •online connectivity needs more work •we have a zoo name for errors •maybe we can get god weapons of some sort like paying for it or acquiring them through trials of osiris... •what happen to the queen... Well thats all i can think about while doing number 2... Lol

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