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Edited by Hippo: 4/17/2024 9:20:12 PM

Turn off the censorship

Yes, I'm mature enough to make my own decision.


Im scared of naughty words, I need an adult.


UPDATE: Apparently putting a space before the sentence completely bypasses the filter, here's a video showing how stupid this is in action The censored words by the way were "Ty Stan", I wanted to thank a fellow guardian for helping me and your stupid censor bot deemed "Ty" and "Stan" as offensive words, Stan was his actual guardian name so if that's offensive how did it pass the checks on your website, please explain the logic here. This is a game thats Teen plus not for preschoolers, the option to censor chat (the mature filter option) worked perfectly fine if you chose to enable it, the fact you cant even thank people now is a joke, never mind you actually cant mention boss names or mechanics either, literally thanking a guardian is now offensive too. Turn it off, let everyone actually have the choice to enable it or not, simple.

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  • DEI!!! Must offend no one even if saying thier name

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  • the funny part is, teens these days aren't mature or responsible enough, hence the censorship

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    1 Reply
    • I literally can't say "nice bag" like seriously get over yourselves bungie and work on the game before working on censoring scary naughty words, the censor should only apply to slurs, maybe not even slurs there is ALREADY a profanity filter

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    • Sorry, but under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to use the words “nincompoop”, “featherbrain” and “bumface”. Let’s retain [i]some[/i] decency.

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      2 Replies
      • Modern gamers would not survive old CoD lobbies 😅

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        12 Replies
        • And bring back the old fireteam finder on the app I can't do anything with this bullsh!t.

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          4 Replies
          • The bot is very poor and stupid, even ordinary words are painted over, thinking that they are curses! It's complete nonsense, I'll give you an example: my grenade launcher killed me - the censorship painted over half of it!

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            5 Replies
            • 15
              Incoming hyper-sensitive millennial Bungie forum moderator with the classic “No” and locking of the post

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              • #fork censors.

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              • Back when they made PC available, I switched and loaded up the game and realize my name was *******day... I came back to console...

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              • Sounds like there are a lot of people who need to work on their vocabulary. I need to swear or I'll scweem and scweem until I'm sick.

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                7 Replies
                • I had Suros Regime, Hand Cannon, HC, Auto Rifle, AR, Submachinegun, Necrochasm, damn, etc (Including etc) all censored. We're in the Roblox censor era of Destiny.

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                  4 Replies
                  • It's so absurd. I'll just be saying someone's name, that isn't improper and half the sentence will be censored. Then i go to attempt a workaround with a space and it just makes it worse. Lmao.

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                  • The people that operate and run this company, and the tech sector in general, it seems, are the people afraid of words, and too many even count them as violence. I've legit personally met too many people who have outright stated words are violence. Its mindblowing. Cencorship is a great way of asserting power; trying to control what people can say, and it will go overboard 100% of the time. They won't change it, because its just about the power trip; the illusion of being able to control people. Waiting for the ban now😂. I spoke ill of the gods. Censorship payload incoming.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I’m offended by censorship.

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                    • Word themselves do not lead to violence people lead to it by their action if you can't sort out the two in a video game then perhaps this is not the place you want to be.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Edited by Part Timer: 4/17/2024 9:37:46 PM
                        its so dumb. it censored me saying "I got -blam!- bottom dollar roll. (a 5 out of 5 roll)

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                        • Didn’t it used to have an option to enable it or not? So odd they took it out

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                          2 Replies
                          • It's a -blam!-. Watch the player number counter hit the shitter after everyone gets the weapons. These morons play russian roulette with automatics. See how the wo kefest movies are tanking? Same here.

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                          • Edited by DarthWolfric: 4/17/2024 11:24:15 PM
                            Funnily enough, it didn't censor the s-*-*-t word when I wrote it in chat (I was talking about Trials), but did censor some completely unrelated words. It's not a good system. So it goes.

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                          • Edited by Milk: 4/17/2024 9:58:18 PM
                            [quote]UPDATE: Apparently putting a space before the sentence completely bypasses the filter, here's a video showing how stupid this is in action The censored words by the way were "Ty Stan", I wanted to thank a fellow guardian for helping me and your stupid censor bot deemed "Ty" and "Stan" as offensive words, Stan was his actual guardian name so if that's offensive how did it pass the checks on your website, please explain the logic here. This is a game thats Teen plus not for preschoolers, the option to censor chat (the mature filter option) worked perfectly fine if you chose to enable it, the fact you cant even thank people now is a joke, never mind you actually cant mention boss names or mechanics either, literally thanking a guardian is now offensive too. Turn it off, let everyone actually have the choice to enable it or not, simple.[/quote] I'm pretty sure that the reason Bungie censors names is because it's meant to protect privacy. Ty and Steven are both names, so that might have triggered it. I've had friends try to refer to me by name in chat and it gets censored. Same logic probably tracks here.

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                            • Edited by SunbearSunday: 4/17/2024 10:08:46 PM
                              I tend to agree, but also have to admit that I too often forget that kids play games too. Is there some age restriction for using these forums? I'm no prude, but I wouldn't spout off curse words in front of a 13 year old IRL. Probably shouldn't in a game/forum either. Edit: I wasn't sure about the age recommendation for T. Apparently it's 13 and up.

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