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Edited by adamndirtyape: 8/26/2023 7:06:42 PM

Immaru is great

Immaru is like a mobster who went into witness protection but is gleefully mocking the efforts of his jailer to take down the rest of his associates. The voice actor (who is great) really gives off the gangster vibe. I love how Immaru calls out the Guardian for basically being a space John Wick. The Guardian doesn't actually decide almost anything in this game and just acts as an assassin who demolishes hordes of enemies in missions that the Vanguard sends him on, missions that we are assured are for a good cause. However, Immaru thinks there's more going on here. He says that the Guardian (and Eris) are actually enjoying the bloodshed in the game's missions for its own sake, reveling in the violence once given an excuse to unleash it. And he might actually be right. The game needs more hard-nosed characters like this who provide a different point of view about how the Guardians function.

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  • Why does he have a Brooklyn accent? For that matter, why does Petra have a British accent when she was born out in the Reef? I'm sure some nerd that studies lore has the exact answer to these questions

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    17 Replies
    • You mean knock off MCU Ultron? This isn’t the first “character” we’ve had talking crap to us and making us question our purpose in this games universe. Just give me savathun back already

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    • Edited by ForeverLaxx: 8/28/2023 5:48:04 PM
      Every attempt Bungie has made in trying to make a character "interesting" just falls back on single, one-note stereotypes and always rings hollow because Bungie's writers aren't very good. The fact Immaru immediately craps himself the first time he's grasped by our Guardian laid bare his flimsy facade and instantly undermined his sanctimonious and hypocritical talking points. Why would you try to make (yet another) character that wants to paint what the Guardian does in less flattering light just to immediately render his words moot? He should know that we can't crush him because we need Savathun, so why does he crumble the very moment that the physical threat is made? Regardless, this writing is hack-y and runs in circles. It's someone pretending to be deep and philosophical. It's r/iamverysmart personified and it's one of the major problems with the Destiny narrative. Every character thinks they're playing 5D chess while they're actually just busy with their underwater basket weaving.

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      • I didn't think my post would inspire such an interesting discussion. I made it on the fly after listening to Immaru's dialog in the seasonal activity. Good points and counterpoints for and against Immaru. It's made for an interesting read. Thanks for all the responses.

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      • The dialog this season so far is great and I was always hoping immaru would get center stage eventually. Notice there has been basically silence about the seasonal content on here and when that happens it's usually a sign that something has truly arrived.

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      • Spider did it first and better.

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        • Edited by Yellowgate: 8/27/2023 7:47:24 AM
          I like Immaru, feels like he is an actual personality as opposed to the likes of Nimbus who is just a caricature of the woke mind virus. I smiled when he called the witness a "smoky weirdo". And he's pretty much got it right when he says we enjoy the slaughter. We kill everything we see for a slightly better weapon. My guardians have killed over 2 million of whatever was in front of them at the time. Whoever punted the writing staff who did Nimbus out for a vegan latte and got to work making a character with a bit of attitude who talks like people actually talk .. well played. Immaru reminds me of guys I served with .. abrasive, sarcastic and funny. Do more of this kind of thing Bungie.

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          • He sounds just like Hulk Hogan, brother.

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            • [quote]Immaru[/quote] Ya hes all talk and no Bite. First time getting grabbed from the guardian, and he S###'s Glimmer in 0.0001 Seconds. A character with potential, and Falls Flat.

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              3 Replies
              • 6
                Lakshmi-2' Vex Mil
                Lakshmi-2' Vex Mil

                Curse you bungie! - old

                He's the worst kind of hypocrite and should regulary get dragged for it. He needs to be treated like Clovis was a few seasons ago.

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                20 Replies
                • We are just mercenaries. Pawns on the chessboard moved by others. The brains are the characters we interact with. The bad guys like Immaru, Rhulk etc are among the most entertaining.

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                • I just want to hear him say both "we've awoken the hive " and "look! It's a cell. From the prison of elders!"

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                • Worse than an 80s B movie villain.

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                • Edited by MrDrProf Oak: 8/27/2023 5:44:17 PM
                  Imo Immaru's whole "you're a mindless murderer, they're just lumps of meat to you" spiel falls completely flat for two reasons: -the player character has nearly no agency in a meta sense, a character questioning our decisions has no impact because we don't get to make many real decisions as far as the actual story. This sort of criticism should've been towards a character like Saint (if he hadn't already gone through that arc seasons ago) or towards the Vanguard as an organization, it means nothing to have an npc criticize our choices when we aren't the ones making them. -the guardian/vanguard, historically, tends to be extremely merciful when possible. At the start of this season's seasonal quest, we tell Immaru to call off his Hive that are defending Savathun's spire , and he's like "lol nah." My dude, we're basically gods, we weren't asking because we can't deal with them, we were trying to spare a few lives of our new ally's faction. We've done this before too. A lot of people might not know this (since Bungie removed it from the game), but Mithrax was first encountered as a normal Fallen captain, and we worked together with him and at the end of the mission chose to spare him. And again, when we fought Caiatl's champion, Ignovun, Zavala told Caiatl to call off her Cabal so we didn't have to kill several hundred of them needlessly, but of course she was all "tHeY fIgHt FoR tHe GlOrY oF tHe CaBaL, i WiLl NoT dEnY tHeM tHaT hOnOr" which kind of subverted the whole premise of single combat but we at least tried. The only time I can think of that we (maybe) killed someone who wasn't an active combatant was Uldren, and he was far from "just a lump of meat," that was both a highly personal revenge kill and somewhat justified as he was a serious threat. In fact, in a meta sense as well as being confirmed as canon in D.F.A.'s lore tab, it is extremely common practice for many players to simply run past enemies and not kill them whenever the game's mechanics don't literally force us to kill them to progress the mission. Despite being basically a sentient weapon of mass destruction, the guardian actually quite commonly tries to avoid violence when possible simply to avoid needless killing. Oh also he's annoying and cringe.

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                  10 Replies
                  • Edited by O_G_HELLBOY: 8/27/2023 3:56:32 AM
                    Hey, hey, heyyyyyyyyyy...dat's Mr. Immaru to you mudha fuhka

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                  • Haha witness protection 🤣 😂

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                  • I don’t really like him. He doesn’t seem like what you expect for a hive ghost especially one that belongs to a HIVE GOD. Maybe a ghost for some outlawed guardian or a mercenary. Plus his lines are just weird. Neon nerds? I feel like that’s something a kid would say. It doesn’t really matter all things considered. Just wish he was written better.

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                  • His lines are so poorly written and cringey.

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                    19 Replies
                    • Yeah mob boss ghost. It just so fits with the world of Destiny........ About as well though out as most of what is done lately though.

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                    • No, his speech pattern is dumb and overdone, and his lines never make any sense.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Nah, he's just as cringe as Cayde-6.

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                      • He does come off with a 'Consigliere' vibe about him. Truthfully, for the longest time I'd have sworn Lance Henricksen was the VA for Immaru.

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                        7 Replies
                        • I would’ve liked to see fynch return this season. It wouldve been an interesting dynamic getting advice from the trustworthy but unreliable guide to the throne world and immaru, someone untrustworthy but knowledgeable of the throne world. (You’d be able to tell them apart because of the cracked horn on fynch so I think they could both exist on screen)

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                        • Sounds familiar!?

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                        • We need his ghost shell. That or Fynch’s.

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                          9 Replies
                          • He’s not wrong either I love killing Hive enemies

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